Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Seating Arrangements For Weddings 100 People

love for sculpture

to sculpt a life by removing the clay and bronze figures full of suggestion, which will enchant you with their intensity, a great artist, a dear friend ... I'm happy for Amalia Ciardi Dupré, sculptor of sacred art, December 3 will receive in Florence, in the splendid exhibition of 500 of the Palazzo Vecchio, "The Fiorino d'oro", a recognition clear for a prestigious career in the name of confidentiality. His love for sculpture has lasted for over fifty years, was rewarded in 1957 in Assisi on the occasion of the exhibition of sacred art to the Pro Civitate Christian and has since staged many solo exhibitions and participated in biennials and art exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Amalia is a simple woman, love of life that welcomes you always with a smile and eyes that shine bright, full of expression, and its shape gives off the great strength of character that sustains it even in difficult moments of life. I love to converse with you that has learned the art of living and talents that God has given, talents, dedicated in particular to many sculptures, not only sacred, born from the earth, from clay molded by his hands, which is shaped in outline figures of humanity so intense that they seem alive.
One of my passions is to walk in the woods, smell the earth, tree trunks covered with moss and the favorite walk is to go to the church of S. Lorenzo and S. Maria Vincigliata to the hills between Fiesole and Settignano, set amid olive trees, vineyards and cypress forests.
apse of the church is the masterpiece of Amalia with three walls depicted scenes from the Bible and New Testament sections, nine years of patience and hard work, to create a sacred path in terracotta from creation and sin Adam and Eve failed to reach the of Christ and the Judgement. At the center of a dominating
Christ with arms that seem to want to disconnect from the cross and embrace the traveler who, in his walk through the rolling hills, stops in this corner of Paradise and a stop gathering in prayer.
Under the crucifixion is represented the death of Adam: the figure of Eva on her knees, bent over the body of the beloved, is so touching that I can not resist the urge to caress it almost lenirne pain. The brick is not like the marble stays cold, if you keep touching it warms and Eve seems to live under my hands, I dry the tears and hugged. In addition to Eva the women of the Bible: Sarah, Rebecca, Queen Esther and Judith, holding in his hands the head of Holofernes, the Assyrian king from her head off to save his people.
The small sacristy at the side of the altar, lies another surprise came from the hands of Amal, a wall with the history of S. Lawrence, deacon and martyr, and a beautiful Madonna.
Beside the church is the small garden of the rectory with Amalia that we have christened "the garden of the soul", a place to find peace. Walking along the narrow path between figs, vines and trellises to get behind the building. Here is the home and studio where Amalia has worked for many years, can be glimpsed through the windows and oven shelves with the sketches. In addition to olive
two sculptures: a St. Francis of Assisi at peace with the wolf, crouching at his feet and Christ crucified instead of being nailed to the cross is a "Christ among the olive trees, the body leaning against the rough trunk, arms stretched out among the branches skyward. Under the roof tiles and some terracotta statues, including a bare-breasted mother raising a child with a joyful gesture of great tenderness.
Dear Amalia, Elf also want to express all its tenderness and joy to have known you, you're a special lady, thanks for existing ...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Matsui Television Problems

free from fear

a number of years served with "Good Samaritans" Station of SM Novella, the Volunteers meet at the track before the first Catholic chapel in the morning at seven o'clock on Tuesday, Thursdays and Sundays, to offer and share a breakfast of solidarity. There are people in need in the prevalence of Eastern Europe but also North Africa, Albania, Peru, few Italians, many spent the night sleeping on a cardboard and are relieved to drink a coffee. Give everyone a smile with a piece of chocolate and listen to the problems of those seeking a home and a job for life is important, because a chat and confide in someone goes even a momentary relief, you feel less alone.
"Good Samaritans" were born some seventeen years ago, the initiative was promoted by the indefatigable Paul Coccheri, after a long career as actor and director of the International Laboratory of the actor "in Florence has taken the path of voluntary work, lining up in support of the weakest. To help the Samaritans to mature in a path of sharing and solidarity distributes photocopies taken from articles, essays and interviews: this is what Paul calls "University of the road" where next to endless courses of hope, humanity, courage and selflessness, is taught to live life with loyalty, respect and practice skills and virtues into disuse, in a world that carry the banner of arriving society, and selfishness abounds.
Last week I had the gift of a copy of "Matins" Ravasi, published on January 3, 1999 Future, entitled "Deliver us from fear," with a prayer written by Dag Hammarskjöld. Swedish politician, was Secretary General from 1953 until his death in 1961, when the plane which was headed for a Congo peace mission crashed. Probably the text of this reworking of the Our Father, is from her personal diary that transpires intense spirituality, so he turns to God Hammarskjöld:

Hallowed be thy name, not mine.
Thy kingdom, not mine.
be done Thy will, not mine. Dona
peace with you,
peace with men,
peace with ourselves
and deliver us from fear.

I appreciated the comment by Ravasi is significant that this Our Father who calls for a victory over every form of selfishness and the gift of peace with God, with others and with themselves. It affects in particular the last sentence, because if it is important to be delivered from evil it is just "being released by the embrace of mortal fear," which is different from fear or from a sense of respect we have for God and for others. Fear is the temptation to cowardice, to withdraw into themselves, and mean to be inert, incapable of facing the great horizons of life. "
Just reading the "Diary" of Hammarskjöld reveals how her life after a youth full of hope and optimism, was about forty-five in a deep crisis in which he felt so empty to want to commit suicide, despite being a man made. Then the shooting to coincide with the appointment to the UN, in early 1953, and then becomes positive attitude towards the future, answers a simple "Yes" to God in the world, the fate and life, leaving leaves every fear
do not know who, or what, asked the question. I do not know where it was placed. I do not remember what I said. But once I answered "Yes" to someone or something. At that time dates the certainty that the existence makes sense and that therefore my life, in the submission is for a purpose. From that moment I knew what "no turning back" and "not worry about tomorrow."
Hammarskjöld's right, I share this thought, which is crucial in the journey of life is to live intensely the present, be free from fear and not worry about tomorrow, because after all worry about is an insult to the gift of life.