For several months I do not write about "Elvish Runes," too much has happened in some other sad and joyous, but not the time to indulge in melancholy, now is a moment of joy that I wish to share with you dear friends who follow me ...
In my life many things have happened, but the most important was the meeting with people who have enriched me with their kindness, trust and loads of sympathy.
I always remember the words spoken to "Terra Futura" last year by Father Alex Zanotelli, a Comboni missionary, and we enrich only making contact with the face of and in the exchange of personal experiences: "We are all face a unique and unrepeatable the other is the wealth and rich for you, that different from you, do not you come about by chance, every encounter in life is a mystery, you are together and touching each other ... "
extend an affectionate greeting to all new colleagues, and Florence, at the Complex Laurentian Medici in the Basilica and Library, which boasts of having the world's most beautiful staircase, designed by Michelangelo. The cloister is magical, the azaleas bloom in May are a riot color in the center bordered by boxwood hedges, there is an orange with the fruit all year round, a place of peace close to the buzz of the market. For me, the Basilica of San Lorenzo is a bit ' the second house, for over ten years I attend, I am fond of Bishop Livi and the wisdom of his 93 years, and when I returned from the trip in Nepal with Caritas I put the scarf around his neck yellow Buddhist, which gives a sign of respect, and I renamed the "Dalai Lama of San Lorenzo" ... How can we forget the legendary Cesar, a perpetual never stops and works hard from morning to evening and Don Fabrizio, who humbly gave up the title of Bishop Porcinai to be closer to us and then Fernando and catechists Alviero, dealing with tireless dedication of the Basilica, with Franco, who runs the bookshop sympathy. From May
living much more in the second house, welcoming tourists who come to visit the famous church, mausoleum of power and wealth of the Medici family, which is supported by colleagues and friends a pleasure working volunteers of Ars et Fides, with our well-trained art historians, can help it understand the beauty of a Renaissance masterpiece. I can not mention them one by one the "boys" and "girls" in San Lorenzo, the list is too long, but each has a unique face, with each one there is an exchange of experience that enriches me. On Thursday afternoon instead
return home, in the sense that I do not work in San Lorenzo, but in the fine library of the cooperative works of art, the building is old with high coffered ceilings, is in via the firm, and was the seat of the "Florentine studio, which is the first university founded in the capital of Tuscany. From the windows you can glimpse the Piazza dei Maccheroni where there are offices of the administration and direction of works of art ... ... a warm greeting and best wishes to all staff in the library ...
encounter many "friends", above the two friendly young doctors with me that this place alive, and then to them, the "books" I've always loved, because reading is one of the great passions of my life. With the books I have a loving relationship, I give a lot, whether novels, essays or art volumes illustrated that abound in the library of works of art ...
The author is hidden within the pages, reading a book is like a relationship with the person who wrote several books and gave me a lot ... One among many: "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran, Lebanese poet's masterpiece, which explores the fundamental themes of love, our lives will begin in the first few pages are dedicated.
love and share life with someone today is increasingly difficult, especially for the hectic pace of our affluent Western society. Spending time with those who really loves you, to engage in constructive dialogue, to discover each other with affection and dedication, it is increasingly tight, because the work often burn much energy, you return tired, need to prepare meals replace home ... Finding the right space to talk with each other and it becomes uncommon is almost a miracle to be able to cut a bit of time to cultivate their interests, because in a report that it is also, indeed fundamental.
I was talking recently with Valeria, a young doctor who is specializing in pediatric surgery, cousin Kathy, my dearest childhood friend, with whom I shared the house for more than a year. Last week, Valerie went on, to follow the love, just like Gibran writes, "when love calls you follow him, though his ways are hard and steep."
I have repeatedly recommended a few thoughts of Gibran: "Love one another but make not a bond of love ... give yourself heart, but not to hold the other, because only the hand of life can reggetevi contain your hearts together, but without being too close, because the columns of the temple are located at some distance, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow. " I hope
Valeria remember these words, but then I have another advice for me when he arrived in his hands last week, putting in order the package that we exchange a Sunday afternoon in meetings with Sister Julia, in the "Library Fioretta Mazzei" the English Cemetery. I do not know who gave it to me, but it is mostly young people who attend medical specialization.
The song is from the book "When the wheels are jammed" by Valeria Agnese Baggio and I hope he will read to her classmates, is a reflection of life:
opens the door to the lane with his retinue and a Primary of young assistants enters. The Primary stops at each bed with a presence and finally rushed out followed by his little procession. I think, "came out" and I still puzzled over these words. I repeat them to myself. I have never "came out" by the expectation of those who expect something from me? Every moment is a moment lost denied. How many lost moments of my life? E 'can never get them back? ... .. What is impossible with men is possible with God in Him I trust.
hug affectionately, dear Valeria, wishing you a peaceful way, even within, in the path of life ...