Sunday, December 25, 2005

Sample Of Welcom Greeting


Christmas is a festival that I have always loved since I was little and I still remember the joy with which I wrote letters to the baby Jesus promised to be good and waiting for his arrival in the best night of the year a child ... born in the cold in a cave with the angels singing "Glory in heaven and on earth peace." Now the children seem to expect only Santa Claus with his presents and the poetry of the crib seems to fade away, fortunately not all is well because it would be really sad.
For several years I love to spend Christmas Eve in San Lorenzo, the austere Basilica founded in Florence by the Medici, is a magical night and the ritual is very nice with the baby Jesus and the Gospel that pass from hand to hand before the celebration of S. Mass. At the end of the liturgy in the Sala Donatello all fall under the basilica, to see the exhibition of cribs made by children in schools, from kindergartens to secondary schools. Simplicity is the watchword, many are made with recycled material, detergent bottles, bottles of mineral water, paper, egg shells, pasta ... A cute characters had made with clothespins hanging to the wire, that fantasy!
I love watching those simple nativity display beside the nativity charm made by adult hands, some with light mechanized super amazing and my preference goes to them, those born from the hands of children, who have a taste of spontaneity. Caroline and John, two of the little girl that I follow the catechism were down with me to see the cribs, they did not sleep and I am excited to wait that is served hot chocolate and panettone with Pandora, because the tradition in San Lorenzo is this: to see the cribs tasting chocolate and warming up again to face the cold of the night.
When I get home it's almost two, but are Child happy and I put my trash in its place in the pan, then discard the gifts but for me every Christmas the best gift is always the arrival of that Child who comes to bring light and hope and peace to all.
Dear friends who read me, Merry Christmas and Peace to you all, always try to stay a little 'children, is the best way to experience this holiday. Share your joy with loved ones on this day, tell the people you love and care as not only a gift, it is more important to understand a hug, a kiss, a smile, a pat on the hair, just like you do with children ...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

What Color Blush Looks Best On Olive Skin?

Steps Back

A week ago, on the evening of December 13 I lived a wonderful experience. It was the night of Saint Lucia and the tradition of the Nordic countries links the name of this holy ceremonies related to the light, in a less bright days of the year. I still remember the sayings that I learned when I was a child: "Saint Lucia the shortest day that there is" or "Saint Lucia, the longest night that there is" even if in fact the calendar has not yet come to the solstice winter.
The friends of the "A Time for Peace" have started with small steps in a silent march for peace on the streets of Florence, the series of conferences on spirituality, meditation and interfaith prayer "Together for Peace". We found ourselves in Piazza Santa Croce beaten by a cold wind, that did not deter any of us, to light the candles, which fortunately had the paper cup, otherwise it was just impossible to keep lit, then a little procession of a hundred people, in silence, he started with flickering candles, following the flag of peace.
We walked alone, in small steps, as suggested by the walking meditation of Monaco Vietnamese Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh, I try to practice even when I go to the hermitage of Vincigliata through the forest, because it gives me a great harmony. Thich Nhat Hanh writes: "Walking meditation means practicing meditation while walking, is a practice that gives joy and peace and rediscover the pleasure of walking. I make short steps, slowly, in total relaxation, with an open heart to the experience of peace. The goal is to walk every step and in a way that leaves footprints on the land of peace and freedom. To walk so I have to learn to let go, to lay down their worries, concerns. Just a little 'awareness and the sincere intention of being at peace. If you can take a step in complete peace, you know it two, you can make a hundred, a thousand steps in perfect peace. And the world will have peace. "
were walking together, one small step for peace, Catholics and Muslims, Buddhists, Jews and other members of ... various religious groups, all together for peace and was touching, passing several have joined us. We arrived at the Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, the seat of the municipality that hosted us in the Meeting Room which has proved small for the one hundred and fifty or more persons who participated in the interfaith meditation. Few have found a place to sit on chairs, the more you are sitting on the ground, the red and white cloth, studded with yellow cushions, with friends of the Center for Tibetan Buddhism and Zen Center Ewam Florence Shin-nyo-ji. At the center of a vase full of flowers .... Then the music called for silence, followed by playing a song or a nice song from each religious group, I really loved the voice of Baha'i Center of a woman who sang an ancient Persian song. Then again so quiet and silence I felt the great energy that hovered in the room.
I could almost hear the softly beating heart of all people of different religions bound in brotherhood by being together for peace and peace reigned absolute ... When was the moment of the dialogue I shared with everyone what I tried: "In silence our breaths were like waves of the sea, there is not one alike, but together they form the ocean, an ocean of peace. "
My heart loves the silence, and I'm bringing back the memories, I always keep a small desk note that we have won in the end, it says:
"... We invite you to stay in the company of this silence in the heart ..."

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Whats Name Of Babita In Tarak Mehta Ka

an enchanted world of peace

As a child I always loved the fairy tale world, of which I was desperate reader. I'm passionate about the stories populated by princesses and brave knights, fairies, genies, winged spirits, gnomes and elves, of course, all deployed to overcome the dark forces of evil.
I was not afraid of anything and even dreamed of flying, heedless of the danger I was vying with the playmates male climbing trees to see who wins the most agile and reach the high branches, swaying under the weight. I looked like a monkey, I'm not discouraged ever, nor suffered from dizziness and even competition strengthened my confidence to be invincible, and in fact it was hard Starmie behind.
In the large park of the lake house, where his childhood flowed happy, we played hide and seek in the bushes or behind the rough trunks of the pines, we were racing down the avenue that led from the large red gate and not stopped until when the heart was beating wildly and then "The Crow", sbracati in the grass waiting for the beat slowed.
I still feel the smell of grass, soft and supple, that envelops you like a hug when it was high it was fun to dive in, roll around laughing and then return to chase.
also build huts in the trees soon became a passion, shared with my brother, who like me was pretty reckless, and there was nothing to choose from among the trees of the garden and park, although the cherry trees in absolute in the field beside the avenue were the preferred place, protected by the proximity of the wall and away from the house. The realization
commits us not a little, it was necessary to look for wood for the floor, cut the canes in the bamboo grove, covering the walls and roof with leaves of palm trees that proliferated in the garden thanks to the mild climate of the lake, but once completed the work was a joy to look at the world from our privileged position, inaccessible to ordinary mortals, a place only to us, which allowed us to fantasize.
Many years later I thought of those huts, reading "The Baron in the Trees" by Italo Calvino, the story of the boy who had chosen to live on a tree and I'm passionate about that character, understanding that it was not so crazy, just loved with passion the nature and wanted to live free as sparrow, feeling safe and protected only in the nest among the branches.
Throughout childhood contact with the ground was vital, I had a passionate love for flowers and I still remember the humiliation of my mother for a disaster unaware: Begonias seeing the limp and suffered under the sun of August I had wet abundantly, without waiting for the cool of the evening, and the poor planting accaldate not endured the flood of fresh water and surely perished. I stayed two days wrong, but I'm not even a slap butchers, in the end I was just a girl who wanted to help the flowers, but it certainly did not know the rules of a good gardener, but now that I care two years from the "garden of the soul" to Vincigliata I learned a lot of things to dig, transplant, prune, fertilize, but you know with the experience matures.
Love is born in the woods in my childhood, a short walk from the house there is a small lake surrounded by woods of chestnut trees, I always liked to walk between the trees, breathing the smell of moss, listening to the sound of leaves under our feet, from a young age I have always been a curious little elf who lived in reality, but he loved diving into an enchanted world and even now do not stop dreaming because the dreams of our childhood follow us into adulthood ...