Sunday, December 25, 2005

Sample Of Welcom Greeting


Christmas is a festival that I have always loved since I was little and I still remember the joy with which I wrote letters to the baby Jesus promised to be good and waiting for his arrival in the best night of the year a child ... born in the cold in a cave with the angels singing "Glory in heaven and on earth peace." Now the children seem to expect only Santa Claus with his presents and the poetry of the crib seems to fade away, fortunately not all is well because it would be really sad.
For several years I love to spend Christmas Eve in San Lorenzo, the austere Basilica founded in Florence by the Medici, is a magical night and the ritual is very nice with the baby Jesus and the Gospel that pass from hand to hand before the celebration of S. Mass. At the end of the liturgy in the Sala Donatello all fall under the basilica, to see the exhibition of cribs made by children in schools, from kindergartens to secondary schools. Simplicity is the watchword, many are made with recycled material, detergent bottles, bottles of mineral water, paper, egg shells, pasta ... A cute characters had made with clothespins hanging to the wire, that fantasy!
I love watching those simple nativity display beside the nativity charm made by adult hands, some with light mechanized super amazing and my preference goes to them, those born from the hands of children, who have a taste of spontaneity. Caroline and John, two of the little girl that I follow the catechism were down with me to see the cribs, they did not sleep and I am excited to wait that is served hot chocolate and panettone with Pandora, because the tradition in San Lorenzo is this: to see the cribs tasting chocolate and warming up again to face the cold of the night.
When I get home it's almost two, but are Child happy and I put my trash in its place in the pan, then discard the gifts but for me every Christmas the best gift is always the arrival of that Child who comes to bring light and hope and peace to all.
Dear friends who read me, Merry Christmas and Peace to you all, always try to stay a little 'children, is the best way to experience this holiday. Share your joy with loved ones on this day, tell the people you love and care as not only a gift, it is more important to understand a hug, a kiss, a smile, a pat on the hair, just like you do with children ...


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