Together for Peace
The earth needs our help because it is a planet in crisis. A Florence "Terra Futura", international exhibition and conference for the sustainability of good practice for three days, thousands of visitors have flocked to visit the many stands of organic products, fair trade, ethical banking, specialized publications, products recycling, green architecture, cleaners and toys clean, voluntary organizations, representatives of regions, towns, cities ... The program
a reflection of EF Schumacher: "Our job is to look at the world and see it whole, we must live more simply to allow others simply live, "an invitation to spend less, save valuable assets such as water and share resources. A
per hour debates, lectures, panel discussions on topics as diverse but with one goal: to improve the quality of life of men respecting the earth and narrowing the gap between poor countries and industrialized ones. Now in its third edition of the show had an audience considerably, many children in the square happy to see cows, sheep and lambs meekly allowed themselves to ride donkeys and pet, but also a lot of noise and hum.
oasis of tranquility in the octagonal room where friends of the "Temple of Peace" organized an area of \u200b\u200bspirituality, interfaith prayer and meditation on the theme: Together for Peace. I was happy to hear so many witnesses, including friends Coccheri Paolo, Antonella Candles, Julia Bolton Holloway, Marco Romoli, president of "A Time for Peace".
The most intense and exciting was the meeting with Father Alex Zanotelli, a Comboni missionary, who wowed everyone with his words directed to people's hearts. He began by saying that beauty was in being gathered together, people from different religions, the richness of diversity. In the face of our society is denied, but it is enriched only in the exchange of personal experiences, in making contact with the other's face. "To face must be committed to the faces of others and experience the diversity of life, my way of life has been profoundly missionary, but if the missionary is not the case converted and the conversion takes place when you can smash your ego and your walls and other meetings that different from you. "
The best matches of his life were with people of other religions, "the other is the wealth and rich for you, that different from you. There will never meet by chance, every encounter in life is a mystery, you are together and touching each other ... In my moments of lucidity I wonder: Who am I? But who am I exist in relationship with others ... Each of us has a unique face and unique. "
Unfortunately in our society today we have a culture so overpowering and instead we need to rediscover the uniqueness of each of us, but do not transform into atoms because "the atom is loneliness." We have to meet the gaze of his brother and sister I do not support or condone, but to find the wealth of the other "because" there is no humanity if not in the plural. " We must rediscover what the bishop called Tonino Bello "the coexistence of differences." Even in the search for God we need to deal with others because no one possesses absolute truth, however, each research must be taken from other cultures and what they have built the way of truth: "God does not have, you do not have the truth ".
Many suggestions have been left by Father Zanotelli, his stories of the experience in Africa, the message of hope left for women who have great wealth in their deepest essence: tenderness, "if he wins the empire and patriarchy, machismo, now it takes the woman and her tenderness."
could not miss the accusations about the situation today where you can not go around as if nothing had happened, without thinking about the incredible crisis in the southern hemisphere where the poor are getting poorer, without worrying about an ecological crisis that is unprecedented, with a planet where life may end and then we must act. The job of a preacher is not only based on faith, hope and charity, you could say that it must have courage, but to say "courage to Today is not challenging enough, now it takes bravery and a holy rage, rage for justice that are prostrate on the streets, angered by the looting of the world, anger for children dying of hunger, anger for the folly of militarism .... "
The message is clear, also to be advocates of peace should act recklessly, let's do it: the earth's future is in our hands.
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