Sunday, May 16, 2010

Baby Cold Rosie Cheeks

Fear ....

troubled period.
Matters pertaining to notes, working balance, uncertain future unnecessary sacrifices, family black horizon.
The air in these days of May, accompanied not least the weather away from those that are seasonal averages, and rage.
This company has imbued our hearts in front of press releases, discussions and comments, blogs, newspapers and mail for social communication. Alarm call to arms, and aid more or less well-known characters have been relied on by the crowd. In short, a stormy sea, whose waters lashed by the wind of uncertainty, as the wind that has grown to mess up our hair and our thoughts. More and more palpable, finally, it became evident the surrender of the heart, before the mallet Heavy 's inescapable reality.
is still uncertainty in the eyes of people and injury. In general, states fear, fear of everything, fear of the simplest action.
Meetings and discussions were pervaded by a common sense of fear for the action, and for the future from having to suffer anyway.
In essence, what emerges clearly more generally in all of us inhabitants of the Western world, is the sense of helplessness and a sense of dire fear of tomorrow.
While when the anger takes over, there was a flicker of vitality, of self-assertion, affirmation of the "person" and not the slave, on the other hand, this flick is always been of short duration, or diverted exclusively to actions of the facade, a stage, that have little to do with the true tactics of battle.
The concept is very simple, as you try not to spread alarm, as in general newspapers, television broadcasts and even decidedly not politically correct to seek to have a soft attitude toward the social disaster that is enveloping us, it is necessary realize that we are on the barricades, we are at war and there will be deaths and injuries. We must not delude ourselves that
we are out of danger, the worst is behind us, that somehow we'll make it.
We see clear the attitude of the average person, which we all are.
A great talking to men, and ominicchi quaquaraquà and painted with deep insight to the modern calendar. Very moment one wonders, without the usual point out the other, What am I?
A man, a ominicchio or quaquaraquà?.
Sull'esser quaquaraquà we had evidence of how we are all ready to recite, to make announcements and even fervent accusing her index finger pointed like a gun, the other. We are better at reading and reciting the great affirmations of civilization and of principle. Then we also ominicchi in the true sense of the term, because behind the scenes, we take actions of accommodation and research staff of its convenience, taken out of context.
Often referred to as the political masters of self-interest, forgetting that we ourselves, we are ready, very ready to weave webs to the very personal and usually old saying: "I cultivate my personal backyard."
So the three categories we can hope for at most be categorized as two low. In terms of the class of men, the one we just forget. The modern man is incapable of being and affirm their humanity. We are light years away from following a universal dictum: "Blessed are those who have said what they would do, and then they really did."
After the time of the announcements and screaming is always the time of silence, and it is the time when men act. The time when the ominicchi and quaquaraquà eclipse. Men is to "do" and do not talk.
To those who are committed to their own lives and the value of its own "person" remains just that, the rest are just facades crumble over time, leaving bare the true being in all of us: to be full of fear.
To be afraid is not bad in a broad sense, has never been a negative element of fear, we all know that superheroes exist only in comic books, the problem is to decide whether fear should or should not become the lady of our lives. The problem is just that.
The problem is to look into the eyes of their children and say I did what I believe is right for you and me!


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