Thursday, August 5, 2010

Retirement Celebration Invitation Verbiage

Mothers and fathers


Increasingly in recent years after two thousand, and meeting are a direct witness of the dissolution of the much-vaunted unity of love among humans.
Increasingly, now, you meet people men and women coming out of nothing short of embarrassing situations and family situations bankruptcy.
But more often you hear words of despair and fear of women, mothers, taken from anxieties, fears that border on terror. The cries of these women and mothers are now above the threshold of the local perception, but rather a convulsive movement that involves a mass of people as an ocean wave. Like the sea in a storm this despair overwhelm everything and everyone, then going to break against the rocky ramparts hardest.
Henceforth in all areas of family there a couple breaks, there is a love that ends, there is a family dissolves, and almost always, indeed always, are situations that burst like soap bubbles now extended to the maximum.
The woman, the mother always burst into a cry of fear and dread for the future their children and the uncertain future that opens wide horizon.
The mother is always the star of this conflict, because there is no doubt that the carnal descent implies a physical connection that is difficult to dissolve even under the worst storms spiritual. At the same time, fathers are less carnal and tie this in to a certain point of view less than bearing the weight of the responsibility of family dissolution, but conversely they are affected in the longer distance.
In any case there is no doubt that to be weaker in this situation is the mother, the woman, often reviled, often overloaded with responsibilities ranging far beyond their legitimate possibility, and this weakness in the woman gets lost.
The most overused phrase is repeated and "stand for the children", "I can not do for their children."
And in this admission there is the contrast and the annihilation of thinking beings.
While the love of mother, which was mentioned before, he justifies this statement, the other the view of this discomfort leads to thoughts that have been dragging their years ending with the damage that we want to avoid: Do not suffer children.
A cat chasing its tail around in a vortex of cause and effect, very difficult to break.
As usual it is the animal that comes to the rescue, with its examples, and even the nature that gives us the lesson that we have lost over centuries of learning and civilization.
What does mother bear, mother cat, mother dolphin, tiger mother, when he has to look after a litter of puppies? Essentially who care for and preserve them from the dangers of the world, but without exaggeration, and above all giving the right lessons, not only the "cuddle" or ready food, but the lessons on "instruments" that are used to face this world.
Why is it true that you need to get food to little children, but it is also true (and the animals they are much more aware of us humans) that one day everyone will have to think for himself.
Here is that animals show us who are dedicated to the care of offspring, but also teach us that we must not hide the harshness of life. Hiding the problems, or making them simple will never a great favor to the younger generation.
Killing ourselves looking spasmodic life easier for the children, we only open the way for setbacks and failures, which in turn will suffer, for most of the parents when there are no more.
is why it is shortsighted to hide heads in the sand and pretend nothing happened.
For these reasons, a parent woman full of fear and depression (albeit justified) can never ensure active growth to their children, these children still suffer the negative influence of the events, even with efforts to conceal the reality .
To understand what it means to get wet, there's nothing better than walking in the rain without an umbrella.
Women who feel alone, mothers who think they do not do it, the ladies who see everything black and who feel eternally sun must change our way of thinking if we are serious about giving their children a minimum of love.
making efforts in the opposite direction, the direction of the bearing, the neglect of themselves, they will only harm to young people who will one day be parents themselves.
Apart from this simple consideration, one might add that force should be expected even from an awareness by fathers. Let's face it, men do also prove convenient hard and strong, just as men, facing failures and falls. It 'easy to be strong when she takes on the weight of the burden, if for no other educational and / or character.
Moreover phrase male applicant in this regard is: provides the maintenance.
's modern society, just write out a check to feel with a clear conscience. Moreover we do not do the same with the common sense of solidarity? We Italians are then the samples for the appeals for solidarity. Let's make an offer, a gift and our heart is at peace, we did our duty to the world. Similarly, in the vast majority of cases, checks and detach us from the heart in peace. Then the rest is it not true that we are engaged in urgent work and activities that make "our men"?
Convenient is not it? .... Like a security blanket
Well, if women want to own something of value, call it, beating his fists and even feet, their men to responsibility, is no battle more just like defending the duties of parenthood. Even before the separation and the end of a relationship, including being too submissive and it is not ever do justice to their children, as children of the rest, do not forget, are much more robust and resilient when it wants to believe.
And finally, a last remark, neglect themselves in the name of supposed duty, in the long run do not ever make a good result, from all points of view. Neglecting one's life can never lead to bailouts nor love, nor of social relations. Leaving aside their own desires and aspirations, albeit with the necessary poles that modern life imposes, killing ourselves, and therefore those who live close to us and declare that we love so superlative.
Basically from the state concepts and apply them in practice there is an unfathomable distance, an ocean, said: "I love my son" and live by it that it is true there is a difference.
We're all good with words, but only the activities leading to the result, not words.


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