Sunday, November 21, 2010

Boat Drawing With Labeled Parts

Weapons of mass distraction

butterflies and rocks

We're like in a flowery meadow, on a sunny day and all run to gather butterflies dissolute, with the head in the air to chase these amazing butterflies.
running right and left, distracted, smiling, armed with our screen and we to take the most beautiful specimen.
We are so distracted and smiling do not realize that the lawn is full of boulders and rocks that threaten the health of our legs, and the same open space along a deep abyss hidden from our eyes from the tall grass.
This happens in our current situation, we are under fire from weapons of mass distraction, tend to think of false problems, issues so far removed from everyday reality of us all.
remain fundamental issues on the table, which are omitted in this regard. El Pais has recently published a ranking of countries according to economic growth observed over the past 10 years (applies 10 years!). Well, Italy is second to last out of 180 countries for economic growth, because we penultimate last is Haiti, having been dropped for the catastrophic earthquake. Practically the last
worldwide, but the Italians inundated with news of mess-ups, trading of parliament, announced his resignation requests, then retracted, the primary shocking, pseudo scandals porn, pseudo disruptive transmissions, we are left to escape this detail.
But let us speak frankly, are we a people who are outraged at this news even if it were brought to a proper light?
We could perhaps indignant if we get to a championship last football (and not!), but not because the IMF slams us in the face of our economy figures just sensational.
Let's talk frankly, we will also last in the standings, but we Italians know that you would like to enhance our lives as never before?, We are the first phones for next-generation, growth in sales of big cars super-equipped, we are the first to follow fashion trends, you would like to? that other classifications, we Italians there fucked.
Our distinction of being Italian is to fuck everything and everyone, I think very individually: I so I manage.
who does not believe and willing to read up on the state of Italy, where 'to refer to:

Assuming you have the patience to read this data, rather than read about prostitutes and escort policy (purchase of parliament), there arises a question: why
a quick search with google on the subject gives us the overwhelming majority only of authors of articles and close to the left of the left?
What is hidden from us? What the government authorities do not want you to know?
Today public an article signed by Eugenio Scalfari, among other things it says:

This resolution must be approved by the Commission by Parliament in Strasbourg.
may perhaps be mitigated but not by much.
If it was fully ratified a maneuver would have on us in 2012 45 billion
only to comply with that requirement and the same for the following year. If
will be mitigated by the European Parliament could fall to 30 billion, 60 in two years,
but not below. I think not having to explain what these dimensions represent maneuvers for a country already devastated by a stagnation in growth that has lasted two decades.
In these two cases specific, we are Europe's problem,
but the government has so far looked good from information on Parliament and the country.

You can 'not agree in general with the editorial of the newspaper, but we are talking about data gossip, more information the Italians would have it right and duty to expect.
Exactly the Italians, but is also well known that this breed is long gone.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Much Does A Steak And Cheese Cost At Subway

CAVE ...

In the cave near the lake we spent the nights clear and well in the summer.
Sometimes when I decided that I must be lucky, I did enter the four walls that gave it room.
She was older than me by two or three years, and remember what was really right about everything. He explained
what love is. The board sold to the military for one hundred dollars. He sold his body and his mouth.
that nights, if I was lucky, she gave me the hands and sweaty dew pleasures in the cave.
His lips were soft and fragrant, I loved those lips. More rarely, I made her touch and swipe your finger slowly feeling every nuance, every wrinkle of those fleshy petals and passionate.
I lost in every shadow and forgotten by the moonlight, shining in every little drop of saliva.
I was in love. Madly. His eyes were the same color of the olives but the sun will bloom was some reflection of silver and I pray that never sets.
bombs of 39 'snow on us, on our homes, on our stories.
The buzz that we threw into the vortex of the panic from a warning siren sounded.
The sun went down and she lost the nuances in his eyes and the shadows in the wrinkles of the lips that I loved, lost his hands with which I stroked fortunate in the evenings, he lost a leg and was left disfigured.
Even the moon was covered by smoke rising to the stars and I was expecting.
Some time later committed suicide.
The military continued to buy the love of prostitutes who took his place but he had no lips, and I look every now and then.
stop waiting to see snow in summer.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Ideal Muscle Percentage


(photo by Garima)

The immensely small

We are completely crazy to spend our lives chasing a life that does not belong to us. We all launched into a mad rush to waste not only of available resources, but especially of our spiritual resources for living beings. We are completely devoid of meaning and understanding in carrying out our activities as we are accustomed and educated, and most live in a senseless manner as we have been taught and we teach ourselves.

We do a simple exercise, to realize the absurdity of our way of life.
take a ladder and climb a rung, let us around, what do we see?
Our perspective change it? we can see something more than when we are true to our normal height? Our perception is widening.
We can see a little more crowd, and even broader perspective, our view widens. Courage
make an effort even climb a few steps, what we feel now?
Our view now embraces all the way, we see the houses around the well, the crowd, the cars, and we see the first details unknown. We see people who talk, run away, people crowded on the sidewalk, kids fast music with their headphones, vintage men lords overloaded with bags of documents. Women smiling, sad, lonely men and groups of friends. We see the horizon out there, and even of the distant hills.
courage we need a little more effort, we need more visibility, then go up under the roof of our house or building, courage, a bit of wind never hurt anyone.
Here we are on the terrace, well now we have a greater visual range, people below are now indistinguishable, but we see a greater number, we perceive the traffic, and the atmosphere we breathe smoke, we see other buildings, we see roads and highway, all crowded, we see even the periphery of our urban area. We begin to see the first green of the surrounding hills and the blue sea far away, after all. We raise our eyes and perceive some fast beat of wings of birds.
From the terrace there everything seems farther away our world seems normal, while opening our eyes a new world. But our building is still low, is not a skyscraper. Then we make an extra effort, we conduct our exercise, courage and let us go look for a skyscraper near the top.
Stupeffacente, we are now much higher, people are now at the bottom of the dots, and the crowd seems to be this height, only a near-normal flow human river of molasses. How are children there.
We are very high, there is a lot more wind. Our hair is mess, and is much cooler. We see much better than the hood of smoke that we inhale in our lives hour by hour, and we see it is also much better at the bottom of the sea and the mountains on the other side. The blue sky seems closer, and we also note the curve of the horizon, it is true our earth is round.
But we are still too low to have an overall vision, courage to take flight, lanciamoci in the blue.
a thousand, two thousand, five thousand, ten thousand meters, the look takes our territory, we see how we humans are everywhere we see traces of our buildings, we see the green dotted with so many points, and we also see the wounds of our land. We can widen and we can still watch the clouds as palpable, as cotton, as ethereal fade. we realize that the more we get less and feel the influence of everyday life, we seem far as our race, our worries about the problems that weigh upon us and oppress us.
Climb again, we have the whole sky available, let us go higher still at the top. As we get up the horizon goes to occupy the whole vision, we got up quickly and just as quickly we seem to eliminate all our concerns and shallowness. As we go up we feel freer, like a euphoria is spreading in us, making us lose touch with what we consider important at the same time we perceive other sensations, other knowledge. As children we go back, go back to the wonder of being alive, of watching the show with avidity that is presented in front of our eyes. The show that we have forgotten for years and years of looking, as we are taken by thousands and thousands of our things.
Climb again, now the darkness surrounds us, but our land is beautiful and blue, beautiful in its entirety. We begin to perceive us in a thought of great and unique, valuable, important Important for our heart. That's the planet, my planet, where I live, where every day I wake up and where I fill my lungs every moment of my breath of life, God give me.
Let us speed up a beam of light that leads us up with amazing speed, we alienated from everything and run before our eyes images of deep space and bright stars that disappear.
We feel elated, and we have forgotten who we are, what we are, what we do. We forgot hatred and resentment, we have forgotten presumption, arrogance, greed and vanity. From this distance we can see our little meanness and seriously begin to understand how small we are immensely with our actions and thoughts of every day.
continue to travel, we are in the galaxy, now seriously, our planet is only a point, really we are small, very small and useless, unless we are nothing in comparison to this breadth, and we spend our time, lightning fast , chasing nothing, God what a waste. What a waste of life.
we move again, even deeper, we are running at high speed, the eye is lost and the mind gets lost for the first vote we are unable to fully understand, but for the first time we are aware of our error . A huge mistake in all of us, a mistake that leads us directly to be nothing. Motes unimportant. My mind goes crazy at the thought of what we are frivolous and taken from futility. We are still traveling fast through the sidereal abyss, we have become spirit, spiritual beings who can embrace this huge black that envelops us. Only now we understand what we can be, if only we could understand the profound meaning of living beings. Beings who should live and not be controlled by habits and uses simulacra that infect and kill the genius of man. The ability to understand and embrace the whole human environment in which we are.
Only launched this incredible journey, we find the meaning of why we are alive. We live to understand. Only this can give breath essence to the body, understanding of the IO.
We are running at an even deeper, galaxies and universes pass us, and we feel even smaller, poor, unconscious.
long as everything is contained within ourselves, because this is the man, the only universal being able to contain within itself the universal whole, and to extrapolate to build a new universe, and yet another, and yet another to reach the true spirit of our beings.
Men immensely small and insignificant and immensely spiritual.

Cq, W9GFO there is someone here?
Cq, Cq W9GFO there is anyone here?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Recommended Vintage Stereo Speakers

Understanding our children

teaching and the education system in modern

Our world is experiencing a period complex and full of new issues so far unknown. We face this world that is evolving at the speed of light will have access to innovative technical tools, unknown a few years ago, on the contrary we are armed only with concepts and notions that are now stale and the fruit of an era that is far away in time.

The behavior of all of us is determined by our cultural background and the design school founded on the ancient columns economic / intellectual of the industrial era of the last century. It follows that each of our consideration is based on concepts learned in this model and the experience we gained in our daily living. Unfortunately, the model adopted (min still be) is not suitable to follow the evolution and global change society for us men of modern times.
The school and the entire education system has remained anchored to old and outdated paradigms that, compared to today's reality of things have lost more than a train.
It looks in the eyes of us all a kind of basic misunderstanding not only between generations, parents and children but also among companies and individuals. We are left with broken families and incompetent in the education of children than parents who seem alien land old men. It seems there are two distinct worlds into being, each with its forms of media, and these worlds are quite divided. Everything is on a training system cpoggiato culture that is not keeping time as pursuing goals that were valid only for the bygone era.
We are now in the Internet age, communication instant, the TV, 's iPhone, and a little good concept that is now cropped up tomes of ancient knowledge.
We marvel that our children are distracted, lazy and careless, forgetting (and this inability teachers, I regret to say, are the best) that these children live in a modern system that we fathers and mothers we realized. Who should adapt to make sure that the distance between old and new generation decreases? Who is to ensure that the learning tools are reshaped and reconfigured according to changing requirements?
The logical and simple answer: it's our modern adults.
Understanding the new generation must be our effort to identify a new system of education must be our goal as parents and modern humans, it is useless to appeal to more legislative instruments absent and lack of resources.
priumo The step is always inherent in man, thus independent of subsidies and appropriate legislation, the first step is always to the understanding of who is a Member of duty and purpose as a profession. Teachers, teachers of good memory, parents are obliged, or should be required to understand this, to make this qualitative leap in order to better understand this world we have formed. Parents, teachers, philosophers, politicians, doctors are people first, and if these people are not well versed in understanding what is reality, hardly can indicate the way forward in the development of education, for more when the educational method adopted is the result of an era also well exceeded.
leaflet provided in the movie, is clearly illustrated, for example, already the distinction which we operate our children by age group, when they inseriramo at school , is in itself a contradiction in modern times.
We wonder why our son is always more 'awake for some activities than others, because it is distracted to the canonical class and very attentive to the game aspects, we wonder why it is active with the group of friends and apathetic individual learning, however in the movie there is a possible answer, an indication of scientific of these events. Everyone should understand it.

The ability of divergent thinking is not aligned to the standard canon of creativity is still not recognized, because it implies a considerable agggiornamento education systems.
also admit, for once, that the courses of training, retraining, many of form the teaching staff, are far from representing a real update.
There are few talking heads in a standardized and standardized on outdated concepts and illogical. Main
claim, that arises, therefore, is that each aparte from the personal level, should update and evolve mentally before launching into a work of understanding the world of youth. To do this you do not need money or specific legislation or financial maneuvers. Sometimes, the substantive changes are FREE if you only had the will and capacity to evolve.
Is not the understanding The main ability of a teacher, or should it be? And parents should not be a champion in this?
When we talk about value of life and value of learning what we refer to this if not?

The porch painted allows us to see this movie where explanatory, so simple in form and graphics, and any parent or teacher might find food for thought and finally have the push that update cultural need to tackle this modern world, and which could and should draw on the real school reform.

We can not know the world in which children are now beginning their studies will find themselves when they are adults.
For this reason it is essential to provide children's mental tools today that make them able to better address their future.
The school system we know is able to prepare our children to the world in which they live as adults?
to deal successfully with new situations and unexpected is important to think creatively and find innovative ideas, imagine all the possible solutions.
But this approach is not what is applied in the school system, which indeed tends to flatten the creativity inherent in everyone, according to a single standard to conform to think uniquely.
Sir Ken Robinson defines creativity as "the process of having original ideas that have value."
They create the innovation that shapes the evolution of society.

NB: see also
Ivan Illich, in his book "Deschooling society."

The video of Sir Ken Robinson:
(direct link: Changing the paradigm )
(Direct link: Start the Revolution learning )
(direct link: The school kills creativity )

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Lace Convers Double Upper


I like horses, whatever their race be. Animals are noble and very close to man. Who does not remember the man called horse, and the other horses whispered.
The bitch, taken with a horse, Incitatus, Emperor's horse, that Caligula wanted Senator is here, complete with toga, because, as he said the star, among many donkeys could well stay there a horse. I also remember Bertoldo, who named his horse a donkey, so to give themselves a voice output from the inns, but the story of the sister of that friend, that is, knowing, I mean, I will have seen it twice, however, history quell'intellettuale's sister-called ... oh, a sad story, fatal.

was the sister of a writer or a lover literature that landed his almanac of a forum for dealing with horse racing, for which he wrote book reviews, articles, comments on this, that or thoroughbred mare that was.
The girl, in her early twenties, named Anna, but called the Nina, on the contrary, Ni. She
I saw a couple of times. She was beautiful, had never seen a light in his eyes, disturbing.
attending the halls racing racecourses, first with his brother and then alone, he began to feed a very intense passion for horses. A passion that grew to become excessive, and that was fatal. Here,
now I want to tell in great detail, featuring the right environment, the personalities stand out
and circumstances, the how, the why, the when, the where.

I will change my paragraph and tell that NI had his horse, Stallionstar, complete with a fence and box, since she lived in a house with an estate large enough to allow the whim.
Nì had chosen well, your pet. He was tall at the shoulder, lean, muscular, powerful. Nì would spend entire days with essesse, as he liked to call the horse it rode, rode, the bulging and then the groom, the handling, spoke to him and kissed him, thanking him for the heady sensations and emotions that gave invaluable.
But what most upset the senses, had the formidable erections of Stallionstar.
I will not mention the personal inclinations, or the effusions of Ni, sex is a matter so private!

what happened one night, as he says, has a thickness tragic, however. He had
summer and the weather was threatening thunderstorms, those that last summer Buriane some little violent and pass.
Ni, preccupata for his beloved friend, taken from a living shaking, covered in a light dressing gown, through the storm, gained entrance to the garage of the essesse. Stallionstar was lively, NI saw him once, unlined rod indescribable. The woman felt faint.
You feel swell, throb. In contact with nature the horse, he felt a wave of pleasure so intense that run along the legs, flooding. Still swelled when the horse put his head between her breasts cantaloupe and decided, he decided that night ..
It turned and went prone in the hind legs of the beast. Out early. When taken with both hands the State of essesse, monstrously swollen and rubbing her sex and wet, it forced itself, lightning annoyed the horse but it was the thunder to make the event. The rumble of thunder frightened the young roan who bucked 'fore paws on rising.
The powerful loins of the animal sank almost to the ground and Ni was pierced on the spot.

found her the next day, in a pool of blood, his stomach ripped open, innards that hung between his thighs, and the horse, with his nose bent like a caress his face, hair, next to her, pouring almost crying.

The autopsy claimed that a vertebra broken by the force of impact had been stuck in my heart, and Ni had died instantly.
The funeral was held in haste and the occurrence silenced. The incident, he said, was an unfortunate fate. Stallionstar was sold to a riding school.
says that, even today, during summer storms, and Hurricane essesse neighing obsessively seem to hear a human voice screaming to the storm, Nìììììììì, Nììììììì.

brother, I have not seen since then, I only have a few little news. It seems to have been seen from time to time, hang out for the environment, the San Siro ...