Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Understanding our children

teaching and the education system in modern

Our world is experiencing a period complex and full of new issues so far unknown. We face this world that is evolving at the speed of light will have access to innovative technical tools, unknown a few years ago, on the contrary we are armed only with concepts and notions that are now stale and the fruit of an era that is far away in time.

The behavior of all of us is determined by our cultural background and the design school founded on the ancient columns economic / intellectual of the industrial era of the last century. It follows that each of our consideration is based on concepts learned in this model and the experience we gained in our daily living. Unfortunately, the model adopted (min still be) is not suitable to follow the evolution and global change society for us men of modern times.
The school and the entire education system has remained anchored to old and outdated paradigms that, compared to today's reality of things have lost more than a train.
It looks in the eyes of us all a kind of basic misunderstanding not only between generations, parents and children but also among companies and individuals. We are left with broken families and incompetent in the education of children than parents who seem alien land old men. It seems there are two distinct worlds into being, each with its forms of media, and these worlds are quite divided. Everything is on a training system cpoggiato culture that is not keeping time as pursuing goals that were valid only for the bygone era.
We are now in the Internet age, communication instant, the TV, 's iPhone, and a little good concept that is now cropped up tomes of ancient knowledge.
We marvel that our children are distracted, lazy and careless, forgetting (and this inability teachers, I regret to say, are the best) that these children live in a modern system that we fathers and mothers we realized. Who should adapt to make sure that the distance between old and new generation decreases? Who is to ensure that the learning tools are reshaped and reconfigured according to changing requirements?
The logical and simple answer: it's our modern adults.
Understanding the new generation must be our effort to identify a new system of education must be our goal as parents and modern humans, it is useless to appeal to more legislative instruments absent and lack of resources.
priumo The step is always inherent in man, thus independent of subsidies and appropriate legislation, the first step is always to the understanding of who is a Member of duty and purpose as a profession. Teachers, teachers of good memory, parents are obliged, or should be required to understand this, to make this qualitative leap in order to better understand this world we have formed. Parents, teachers, philosophers, politicians, doctors are people first, and if these people are not well versed in understanding what is reality, hardly can indicate the way forward in the development of education, for more when the educational method adopted is the result of an era also well exceeded.
leaflet provided in the movie, is clearly illustrated, for example, already the distinction which we operate our children by age group, when they inseriramo at school , is in itself a contradiction in modern times.
We wonder why our son is always more 'awake for some activities than others, because it is distracted to the canonical class and very attentive to the game aspects, we wonder why it is active with the group of friends and apathetic individual learning, however in the movie there is a possible answer, an indication of scientific of these events. Everyone should understand it.

The ability of divergent thinking is not aligned to the standard canon of creativity is still not recognized, because it implies a considerable agggiornamento education systems.
also admit, for once, that the courses of training, retraining, many of form the teaching staff, are far from representing a real update.
There are few talking heads in a standardized and standardized on outdated concepts and illogical. Main
claim, that arises, therefore, is that each aparte from the personal level, should update and evolve mentally before launching into a work of understanding the world of youth. To do this you do not need money or specific legislation or financial maneuvers. Sometimes, the substantive changes are FREE if you only had the will and capacity to evolve.
Is not the understanding The main ability of a teacher, or should it be? And parents should not be a champion in this?
When we talk about value of life and value of learning what we refer to this if not?

The porch painted allows us to see this movie where explanatory, so simple in form and graphics, and any parent or teacher might find food for thought and finally have the push that update cultural need to tackle this modern world, and which could and should draw on the real school reform.

We can not know the world in which children are now beginning their studies will find themselves when they are adults.
For this reason it is essential to provide children's mental tools today that make them able to better address their future.
The school system we know is able to prepare our children to the world in which they live as adults?
to deal successfully with new situations and unexpected is important to think creatively and find innovative ideas, imagine all the possible solutions.
But this approach is not what is applied in the school system, which indeed tends to flatten the creativity inherent in everyone, according to a single standard to conform to think uniquely.
Sir Ken Robinson defines creativity as "the process of having original ideas that have value."
They create the innovation that shapes the evolution of society.

NB: see also
Ivan Illich, in his book "Deschooling society."

The video of Sir Ken Robinson:
(direct link: Changing the paradigm )
(Direct link: Start the Revolution learning )
(direct link: The school kills creativity )


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