Monday, December 27, 2010

3d Apartment Extreme Inca


The dance hall is a nightclub with wrinkles where older people can choose to fill the dance lover or a life to live.
It usually begins with the first alternative. Inevitably comes the second, then subsequent replies and you are likely to become of the remnants of that dance hall, beyond the pun, have hearts that are adrift in every port stranding. Recognizable by symptoms before looking at the remains of dancehall-man or woman-have chronic and contagious disease.

But, of course, is not always the case.

She danced with the innocence that is in every happiness.
He looked at her with a sense of who knows how to seize these essences. In
diverse mix of dance hall, was what distinguished them and they shared, in addition to signs that the golden age of beauty changes, but does not cancel.

inevitable meeting, the attraction and feelings. From

womanizer of dance hall, she caught the lure without paying a pledge. And yet surrendered to him without even a skirmish, with the candor of those who believe in love.
Or, more simply, it seemed to find both in looks, words and gestures have lived and loved.

"You In a sweet phrase" had asked him to play.
"Later, if you want, you can come to my house," replied she simply.

Only a prostitute or an angel could respond in that way, and knowing the prostitutes, he thought an angel.
Angels, means those lands, are inspired to speak candidly because they believe in family, among the angels. And he pretended angel.

Maybe you fell too much in character because of love, he only tried ecstasy, magic, the excitement. Not the report or pleasure.
"I like to watch you dance", she said, "I remember our meeting magic."

And she danced, danced, almost every day, with several dancers, whirling like a sail in the sea, as cloud in the wind. How to bait the hook.

When he could, he went with her and danced or watched her dancing with her dancers and celiare staying on the sidelines with his heart in his pocket.

So for weeks and months. Her to the ball and he to his commitments. Their infrequent meetings, chaste and sweet.
Until one day while watching the dance, he was seized with a strange uneasiness. She tried her heart, which usually stood by but did not find him and soon discovered that the man's expression belt in dance: a guy fascinating and alien to the dance hall.

When he emerged from the heart sink, I was relieved. He knew that sooner or later would happened. It was inevitable, fatal rule of dancehall. He himself had helped to give shape to the event without their love. He had done it to protect her, because she knew that their relationship could not last lame and wanted to avoid the disillusionment, which is the first stage of the infection that leads to surpluses dance hall like him. Sex

complete love, but it contaminates a little and he was unable to merge the two. Maybe that's why he did not know how to love others. But nothing, until then, had passionate love as much as uncontaminated. That brief period was the most exciting of his life. The final exclamation point. But

leftovers a dance hall are still sentimental and, as such, they can not reconcile the beating heart with the coldness of mental calculation.
Thus, the disillusionment of abandonment that he had avoided her, fell on him. And slowly, his body began to sprout sadness. Like a flower bloomed and swelled its petals lead sinking roots in the depths of his being.
He put the flower in a letter thanking her for everything that had meaning for him. You said what was left of his soul and when he closed the bag, he seemed to end his life.


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