Monday, December 27, 2010

3d Apartment Extreme Inca


The dance hall is a nightclub with wrinkles where older people can choose to fill the dance lover or a life to live.
It usually begins with the first alternative. Inevitably comes the second, then subsequent replies and you are likely to become of the remnants of that dance hall, beyond the pun, have hearts that are adrift in every port stranding. Recognizable by symptoms before looking at the remains of dancehall-man or woman-have chronic and contagious disease.

But, of course, is not always the case.

She danced with the innocence that is in every happiness.
He looked at her with a sense of who knows how to seize these essences. In
diverse mix of dance hall, was what distinguished them and they shared, in addition to signs that the golden age of beauty changes, but does not cancel.

inevitable meeting, the attraction and feelings. From

womanizer of dance hall, she caught the lure without paying a pledge. And yet surrendered to him without even a skirmish, with the candor of those who believe in love.
Or, more simply, it seemed to find both in looks, words and gestures have lived and loved.

"You In a sweet phrase" had asked him to play.
"Later, if you want, you can come to my house," replied she simply.

Only a prostitute or an angel could respond in that way, and knowing the prostitutes, he thought an angel.
Angels, means those lands, are inspired to speak candidly because they believe in family, among the angels. And he pretended angel.

Maybe you fell too much in character because of love, he only tried ecstasy, magic, the excitement. Not the report or pleasure.
"I like to watch you dance", she said, "I remember our meeting magic."

And she danced, danced, almost every day, with several dancers, whirling like a sail in the sea, as cloud in the wind. How to bait the hook.

When he could, he went with her and danced or watched her dancing with her dancers and celiare staying on the sidelines with his heart in his pocket.

So for weeks and months. Her to the ball and he to his commitments. Their infrequent meetings, chaste and sweet.
Until one day while watching the dance, he was seized with a strange uneasiness. She tried her heart, which usually stood by but did not find him and soon discovered that the man's expression belt in dance: a guy fascinating and alien to the dance hall.

When he emerged from the heart sink, I was relieved. He knew that sooner or later would happened. It was inevitable, fatal rule of dancehall. He himself had helped to give shape to the event without their love. He had done it to protect her, because she knew that their relationship could not last lame and wanted to avoid the disillusionment, which is the first stage of the infection that leads to surpluses dance hall like him. Sex

complete love, but it contaminates a little and he was unable to merge the two. Maybe that's why he did not know how to love others. But nothing, until then, had passionate love as much as uncontaminated. That brief period was the most exciting of his life. The final exclamation point. But

leftovers a dance hall are still sentimental and, as such, they can not reconcile the beating heart with the coldness of mental calculation.
Thus, the disillusionment of abandonment that he had avoided her, fell on him. And slowly, his body began to sprout sadness. Like a flower bloomed and swelled its petals lead sinking roots in the depths of his being.
He put the flower in a letter thanking her for everything that had meaning for him. You said what was left of his soul and when he closed the bag, he seemed to end his life.

Monday, December 6, 2010

High Closed Cervix During Period


People keep asking me about my daughter. That's what happens when you do not simply enter and exit from a hospital.

Today is the turn of Mrs. Gina
wearing a pretty dress cornflower blue. The falls well, if it were not for those long folds that always end up stuck under the tires of his wheelchair. He has played
eighty, and I know a third of his life. He lives down the street.
I can still remember walking in the garden, watering the orchids. A real treat for the eyes. He does not long ago, and orchids are wilted.

always asks Deborah. All
ask Deborah.

"You fell down the stairs," I reply.
"We been gouged out with twelve stitches."

Everyone is calling, nobody really listens.
is a little unfortunate, Deborah. The
always something going on.

The last time was in November. It was raining hard, and Francesca, my wife was away for a conference. Deborah stood quiet in the room. She played with her dolls.
His favorite is named Rita. It has two long braids and a red dress with peasant. Every time I hear them talking from the living room.
I can never understand what you say, but I do think that they speak of the mother. That's because Rita is an orphan, and Deborah decided to adopt it.

seemed a day like any other. A typical winter day.
Then a big thud, came from her room.
I found her passed out, head to head with Rita. The
immediately wrapped in a bundle. It was frozen. Outside it was cold, very cold.

The streets were deserted, and my Audi reached the hospital in no time.
Dr. Ponticelli, after a thorough examination, he told me that he had a low blood sugar. Laboratory tests ruled out immediately for signs of juvenile diabetes.
is the best hospital in the city, the Misericordia e Dolce, the harbor always there when something happens.

"Please keep her under control."
We returned home the same day.

happens often. Now I've got used to. A bit ' everyone has done. Deborah now wonders when nothing happens.
This was the night of Christmas Eve. Deborah had come back recently, he was fine in its way. We dined in
family. All the relatives gathered.
not talking about anything else.
My brother brought her a teddy bear. Deborah plunged us into. It was immense. All you care about her.

I had to give up the job. Deborah can not go to school. I have to provide teaching, just as did my mother.

is a very obedient child. I never ever scold her.
I tell them all, makes me proud.
Everyone helps me in his way. These are the people
around me, give me the strength to continue.

"It's brave, Mr. Carlesi, hold hard."

Sometimes it is more difficult than usual.
Like the time she thrust her hand into the blender. Did nothing but cry, and blood was everywhere. It took almost six months to reconstruct the hand.

At that time I spent my days in the hospital.
In the corridors of the Hall of plastic surgery, I ask everyone to Deborah. Even strangers. It's a lucky girl, has many people around. I hope that one day will understand how important this is and how much it cost me. All

ask Deborah.
But they do the wrong questions.
This is because, in reality, no one wants to know her, even though everyone keeps asking.

There is a clinical hospital of the city where I was born. She says I am suffering from Münchhausen Syndrome. But no one knows. No one has ever heard of. All

ask Deborah.
But they should ask me.
Then I would know that I pushed down the stairs, that I gave the insulin to make it faint, and that was only when I found the courage to break his hand in the blender. All

ask Deborah. But no one knows his history, our history. We become guilty when we stop to ask why of things. Indifference condemns us all.

There is an invisible wall between us and others. In a matter of trying to overthrow it: instead of asking all of Deborah.
Exactly as before, asked me.
I also had a teddy bear. His name was Eddy. I spoke with him was when his mother did nothing but repeat myself to shut up ..

Tokyo Where To Buy Women' Clothes


(photo by Garima)

Gift of Christmas (ie Santa Claus)

Our behavior, our reactions to the facts of life, our emotions that we are characterizing the result of early experiences that hit you and you formed in the early years.
For vicissitudes of the family, I lived in 'childhood with his grandparents, along with grandparents, these two sons, my uncles, older than me and that ultimately were the idols of my comrades and be children. The grandparents had a stationery business in the country; store full of pencils, pens, notebooks and books. I often wandered among the shelves, and piles of school supplies. Of course, these toys were also given at that time there were no large shopping malls, the store was the place where you could see objects of your dreams. He also witnessed the ordination of the material in advance, as any good shop, the seasons were still very early, and the material was ordered Christmas in summer than in spring. Living in this environment of school supplies made me learn right away the issues of trade, opening and closing hours, reservations, sales and the classic "note", the earliest of times to the modern-rate loan "zero".
At the same time was like living in the world of toys, because child as having all children see packs of rifles, pistols, toy soldiers, toy cars were easy to express desires with the most classic of letters to "Santa Claus".
A special Christmas memory today, I had seen a particular gun the colt as the legendary Wild West, I loved to death, she was beautiful, with the kick that seemed enormous, and the trigger all chrome.
was the object of my desires. The viewer with dreamy eyes every day waiting for the classic Christmas Day. Diligently on the letter I described the gun of my dreams, beautiful shiny silver with the trigger like the one that is in the shop window of her grandmother, (my grandmother was the stationery rather than the grandfather).
finally arrived that year 's Christmas and I still remember the anxiety of waiting the day at lunchtime, when I already knew that the front entrance door to the sound of the bell I found a package inside with the legendary gun (it was the custom of the house grandmother for Christmas).
Living regularly in contact Anymore (grandparents and uncles), I was too shrewd, I now understand that Santa was not a true gentleman, and that much more realistic about the Santa Claus was the uncle who was to take the best gift at the right time in the world.
Finally it's time for lunch and before you all sit down at the table here is the bell, I rush to the door open and there is a package, a box, everything as expected, Santa Claus I was happy, happy at the height ; open ... and disappointment disappointments is not mythical gun!
There was another toy that does not even remember, and my despair seems to have been a roar of time, not because I had began to cry, no, but because my face must have all worried, mother, uncles, grandparents and especially my grandmother.
Great they talk, I despair with the broken heart I do not know what to do, is mortally wounded I do not know what to say, think, shout or shut up. His grandfather had taught me that you should never complain, and then I carefully pushed back the tears back, my face was a mask of pain. The uncle spoke, that had happened when you pick up the gun from the window, a man introduced himself (we say today that for the last time) he was looking for a gift for his son, and had found a nice idea that shiny pistol polished. My uncle had thought to do the sale, not thinking at all to his nephew, who was waiting for so that your pistol. Store the rest as you could order another piece, what was the problem?
So it went, grandparents and uncles were also speaking, because after I was taken by the wholesaler supplier, even in person to see and choose the gun, of course, that same gun was gone, many other models were available but not that one, and in fact I was caught in another, perhaps even more beautiful, but not one that I had cherished, looked for so long.
I think this was the episode I did learn painfully what patience, what is to be disappointed and what is "not to complain." I think it was the moment when I realized that no matter how much you want one thing, the life you will always have something different, perhaps similar, but always different from what you immagni and dreams.
I was a child at that time but I think it started my journey to the difficulties, and perhaps it was the prelude to all the difficulties that I met and was the school that now leads me to say patience.
Patience when something goes wrong, patience when something is not exactly like the dreams, patience when you do not get what you feel right, patience when life presents you the bill, patience when I am consumed in and you can not do anything to change, patience when you're feeling bad and nobody can do anything, patience when someone you love hurts you , patience when you do not find what you want and are looking desperately. Never mind the words of my life from that day he beat the shots of my heart.
I am unable to say whether it was a good lesson or a bad example that Christmas, in fact it was my reality, which I brought in until the days of the Internet, shopping centers, department Megastore, galleries of assorted super stores, the wonderful catalogs. But especially to the days when feelings emotions, desires and dreams present, as in that Christmas Day, shall be deposited in waiting to see an outcome, a turning point, a result, now as then there's anxiety to hear that bell door, anxious to hear it and rush to see what's there, what has arrived, and of course there is the fear of ancient origins, the terror of seeing to empty all the desires and illusions, fear of finding opening the door, something that is not as hoped and desired.
Days when you dream you want and then as now, that day, despite the "modernism" have the same things forty years ago, the same situation of a child who dreams and wants what it sees as a beautiful object and indispensable, and are days when the man feels inside when he sees what is missing and there in a beautiful display case: his dream.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Boat Drawing With Labeled Parts

Weapons of mass distraction

butterflies and rocks

We're like in a flowery meadow, on a sunny day and all run to gather butterflies dissolute, with the head in the air to chase these amazing butterflies.
running right and left, distracted, smiling, armed with our screen and we to take the most beautiful specimen.
We are so distracted and smiling do not realize that the lawn is full of boulders and rocks that threaten the health of our legs, and the same open space along a deep abyss hidden from our eyes from the tall grass.
This happens in our current situation, we are under fire from weapons of mass distraction, tend to think of false problems, issues so far removed from everyday reality of us all.
remain fundamental issues on the table, which are omitted in this regard. El Pais has recently published a ranking of countries according to economic growth observed over the past 10 years (applies 10 years!). Well, Italy is second to last out of 180 countries for economic growth, because we penultimate last is Haiti, having been dropped for the catastrophic earthquake. Practically the last
worldwide, but the Italians inundated with news of mess-ups, trading of parliament, announced his resignation requests, then retracted, the primary shocking, pseudo scandals porn, pseudo disruptive transmissions, we are left to escape this detail.
But let us speak frankly, are we a people who are outraged at this news even if it were brought to a proper light?
We could perhaps indignant if we get to a championship last football (and not!), but not because the IMF slams us in the face of our economy figures just sensational.
Let's talk frankly, we will also last in the standings, but we Italians know that you would like to enhance our lives as never before?, We are the first phones for next-generation, growth in sales of big cars super-equipped, we are the first to follow fashion trends, you would like to? that other classifications, we Italians there fucked.
Our distinction of being Italian is to fuck everything and everyone, I think very individually: I so I manage.
who does not believe and willing to read up on the state of Italy, where 'to refer to:

Assuming you have the patience to read this data, rather than read about prostitutes and escort policy (purchase of parliament), there arises a question: why
a quick search with google on the subject gives us the overwhelming majority only of authors of articles and close to the left of the left?
What is hidden from us? What the government authorities do not want you to know?
Today public an article signed by Eugenio Scalfari, among other things it says:

This resolution must be approved by the Commission by Parliament in Strasbourg.
may perhaps be mitigated but not by much.
If it was fully ratified a maneuver would have on us in 2012 45 billion
only to comply with that requirement and the same for the following year. If
will be mitigated by the European Parliament could fall to 30 billion, 60 in two years,
but not below. I think not having to explain what these dimensions represent maneuvers for a country already devastated by a stagnation in growth that has lasted two decades.
In these two cases specific, we are Europe's problem,
but the government has so far looked good from information on Parliament and the country.

You can 'not agree in general with the editorial of the newspaper, but we are talking about data gossip, more information the Italians would have it right and duty to expect.
Exactly the Italians, but is also well known that this breed is long gone.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Much Does A Steak And Cheese Cost At Subway

CAVE ...

In the cave near the lake we spent the nights clear and well in the summer.
Sometimes when I decided that I must be lucky, I did enter the four walls that gave it room.
She was older than me by two or three years, and remember what was really right about everything. He explained
what love is. The board sold to the military for one hundred dollars. He sold his body and his mouth.
that nights, if I was lucky, she gave me the hands and sweaty dew pleasures in the cave.
His lips were soft and fragrant, I loved those lips. More rarely, I made her touch and swipe your finger slowly feeling every nuance, every wrinkle of those fleshy petals and passionate.
I lost in every shadow and forgotten by the moonlight, shining in every little drop of saliva.
I was in love. Madly. His eyes were the same color of the olives but the sun will bloom was some reflection of silver and I pray that never sets.
bombs of 39 'snow on us, on our homes, on our stories.
The buzz that we threw into the vortex of the panic from a warning siren sounded.
The sun went down and she lost the nuances in his eyes and the shadows in the wrinkles of the lips that I loved, lost his hands with which I stroked fortunate in the evenings, he lost a leg and was left disfigured.
Even the moon was covered by smoke rising to the stars and I was expecting.
Some time later committed suicide.
The military continued to buy the love of prostitutes who took his place but he had no lips, and I look every now and then.
stop waiting to see snow in summer.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Ideal Muscle Percentage


(photo by Garima)

The immensely small

We are completely crazy to spend our lives chasing a life that does not belong to us. We all launched into a mad rush to waste not only of available resources, but especially of our spiritual resources for living beings. We are completely devoid of meaning and understanding in carrying out our activities as we are accustomed and educated, and most live in a senseless manner as we have been taught and we teach ourselves.

We do a simple exercise, to realize the absurdity of our way of life.
take a ladder and climb a rung, let us around, what do we see?
Our perspective change it? we can see something more than when we are true to our normal height? Our perception is widening.
We can see a little more crowd, and even broader perspective, our view widens. Courage
make an effort even climb a few steps, what we feel now?
Our view now embraces all the way, we see the houses around the well, the crowd, the cars, and we see the first details unknown. We see people who talk, run away, people crowded on the sidewalk, kids fast music with their headphones, vintage men lords overloaded with bags of documents. Women smiling, sad, lonely men and groups of friends. We see the horizon out there, and even of the distant hills.
courage we need a little more effort, we need more visibility, then go up under the roof of our house or building, courage, a bit of wind never hurt anyone.
Here we are on the terrace, well now we have a greater visual range, people below are now indistinguishable, but we see a greater number, we perceive the traffic, and the atmosphere we breathe smoke, we see other buildings, we see roads and highway, all crowded, we see even the periphery of our urban area. We begin to see the first green of the surrounding hills and the blue sea far away, after all. We raise our eyes and perceive some fast beat of wings of birds.
From the terrace there everything seems farther away our world seems normal, while opening our eyes a new world. But our building is still low, is not a skyscraper. Then we make an extra effort, we conduct our exercise, courage and let us go look for a skyscraper near the top.
Stupeffacente, we are now much higher, people are now at the bottom of the dots, and the crowd seems to be this height, only a near-normal flow human river of molasses. How are children there.
We are very high, there is a lot more wind. Our hair is mess, and is much cooler. We see much better than the hood of smoke that we inhale in our lives hour by hour, and we see it is also much better at the bottom of the sea and the mountains on the other side. The blue sky seems closer, and we also note the curve of the horizon, it is true our earth is round.
But we are still too low to have an overall vision, courage to take flight, lanciamoci in the blue.
a thousand, two thousand, five thousand, ten thousand meters, the look takes our territory, we see how we humans are everywhere we see traces of our buildings, we see the green dotted with so many points, and we also see the wounds of our land. We can widen and we can still watch the clouds as palpable, as cotton, as ethereal fade. we realize that the more we get less and feel the influence of everyday life, we seem far as our race, our worries about the problems that weigh upon us and oppress us.
Climb again, we have the whole sky available, let us go higher still at the top. As we get up the horizon goes to occupy the whole vision, we got up quickly and just as quickly we seem to eliminate all our concerns and shallowness. As we go up we feel freer, like a euphoria is spreading in us, making us lose touch with what we consider important at the same time we perceive other sensations, other knowledge. As children we go back, go back to the wonder of being alive, of watching the show with avidity that is presented in front of our eyes. The show that we have forgotten for years and years of looking, as we are taken by thousands and thousands of our things.
Climb again, now the darkness surrounds us, but our land is beautiful and blue, beautiful in its entirety. We begin to perceive us in a thought of great and unique, valuable, important Important for our heart. That's the planet, my planet, where I live, where every day I wake up and where I fill my lungs every moment of my breath of life, God give me.
Let us speed up a beam of light that leads us up with amazing speed, we alienated from everything and run before our eyes images of deep space and bright stars that disappear.
We feel elated, and we have forgotten who we are, what we are, what we do. We forgot hatred and resentment, we have forgotten presumption, arrogance, greed and vanity. From this distance we can see our little meanness and seriously begin to understand how small we are immensely with our actions and thoughts of every day.
continue to travel, we are in the galaxy, now seriously, our planet is only a point, really we are small, very small and useless, unless we are nothing in comparison to this breadth, and we spend our time, lightning fast , chasing nothing, God what a waste. What a waste of life.
we move again, even deeper, we are running at high speed, the eye is lost and the mind gets lost for the first vote we are unable to fully understand, but for the first time we are aware of our error . A huge mistake in all of us, a mistake that leads us directly to be nothing. Motes unimportant. My mind goes crazy at the thought of what we are frivolous and taken from futility. We are still traveling fast through the sidereal abyss, we have become spirit, spiritual beings who can embrace this huge black that envelops us. Only now we understand what we can be, if only we could understand the profound meaning of living beings. Beings who should live and not be controlled by habits and uses simulacra that infect and kill the genius of man. The ability to understand and embrace the whole human environment in which we are.
Only launched this incredible journey, we find the meaning of why we are alive. We live to understand. Only this can give breath essence to the body, understanding of the IO.
We are running at an even deeper, galaxies and universes pass us, and we feel even smaller, poor, unconscious.
long as everything is contained within ourselves, because this is the man, the only universal being able to contain within itself the universal whole, and to extrapolate to build a new universe, and yet another, and yet another to reach the true spirit of our beings.
Men immensely small and insignificant and immensely spiritual.

Cq, W9GFO there is someone here?
Cq, Cq W9GFO there is anyone here?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Recommended Vintage Stereo Speakers

Understanding our children

teaching and the education system in modern

Our world is experiencing a period complex and full of new issues so far unknown. We face this world that is evolving at the speed of light will have access to innovative technical tools, unknown a few years ago, on the contrary we are armed only with concepts and notions that are now stale and the fruit of an era that is far away in time.

The behavior of all of us is determined by our cultural background and the design school founded on the ancient columns economic / intellectual of the industrial era of the last century. It follows that each of our consideration is based on concepts learned in this model and the experience we gained in our daily living. Unfortunately, the model adopted (min still be) is not suitable to follow the evolution and global change society for us men of modern times.
The school and the entire education system has remained anchored to old and outdated paradigms that, compared to today's reality of things have lost more than a train.
It looks in the eyes of us all a kind of basic misunderstanding not only between generations, parents and children but also among companies and individuals. We are left with broken families and incompetent in the education of children than parents who seem alien land old men. It seems there are two distinct worlds into being, each with its forms of media, and these worlds are quite divided. Everything is on a training system cpoggiato culture that is not keeping time as pursuing goals that were valid only for the bygone era.
We are now in the Internet age, communication instant, the TV, 's iPhone, and a little good concept that is now cropped up tomes of ancient knowledge.
We marvel that our children are distracted, lazy and careless, forgetting (and this inability teachers, I regret to say, are the best) that these children live in a modern system that we fathers and mothers we realized. Who should adapt to make sure that the distance between old and new generation decreases? Who is to ensure that the learning tools are reshaped and reconfigured according to changing requirements?
The logical and simple answer: it's our modern adults.
Understanding the new generation must be our effort to identify a new system of education must be our goal as parents and modern humans, it is useless to appeal to more legislative instruments absent and lack of resources.
priumo The step is always inherent in man, thus independent of subsidies and appropriate legislation, the first step is always to the understanding of who is a Member of duty and purpose as a profession. Teachers, teachers of good memory, parents are obliged, or should be required to understand this, to make this qualitative leap in order to better understand this world we have formed. Parents, teachers, philosophers, politicians, doctors are people first, and if these people are not well versed in understanding what is reality, hardly can indicate the way forward in the development of education, for more when the educational method adopted is the result of an era also well exceeded.
leaflet provided in the movie, is clearly illustrated, for example, already the distinction which we operate our children by age group, when they inseriramo at school , is in itself a contradiction in modern times.
We wonder why our son is always more 'awake for some activities than others, because it is distracted to the canonical class and very attentive to the game aspects, we wonder why it is active with the group of friends and apathetic individual learning, however in the movie there is a possible answer, an indication of scientific of these events. Everyone should understand it.

The ability of divergent thinking is not aligned to the standard canon of creativity is still not recognized, because it implies a considerable agggiornamento education systems.
also admit, for once, that the courses of training, retraining, many of form the teaching staff, are far from representing a real update.
There are few talking heads in a standardized and standardized on outdated concepts and illogical. Main
claim, that arises, therefore, is that each aparte from the personal level, should update and evolve mentally before launching into a work of understanding the world of youth. To do this you do not need money or specific legislation or financial maneuvers. Sometimes, the substantive changes are FREE if you only had the will and capacity to evolve.
Is not the understanding The main ability of a teacher, or should it be? And parents should not be a champion in this?
When we talk about value of life and value of learning what we refer to this if not?

The porch painted allows us to see this movie where explanatory, so simple in form and graphics, and any parent or teacher might find food for thought and finally have the push that update cultural need to tackle this modern world, and which could and should draw on the real school reform.

We can not know the world in which children are now beginning their studies will find themselves when they are adults.
For this reason it is essential to provide children's mental tools today that make them able to better address their future.
The school system we know is able to prepare our children to the world in which they live as adults?
to deal successfully with new situations and unexpected is important to think creatively and find innovative ideas, imagine all the possible solutions.
But this approach is not what is applied in the school system, which indeed tends to flatten the creativity inherent in everyone, according to a single standard to conform to think uniquely.
Sir Ken Robinson defines creativity as "the process of having original ideas that have value."
They create the innovation that shapes the evolution of society.

NB: see also
Ivan Illich, in his book "Deschooling society."

The video of Sir Ken Robinson:
(direct link: Changing the paradigm )
(Direct link: Start the Revolution learning )
(direct link: The school kills creativity )

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Lace Convers Double Upper


I like horses, whatever their race be. Animals are noble and very close to man. Who does not remember the man called horse, and the other horses whispered.
The bitch, taken with a horse, Incitatus, Emperor's horse, that Caligula wanted Senator is here, complete with toga, because, as he said the star, among many donkeys could well stay there a horse. I also remember Bertoldo, who named his horse a donkey, so to give themselves a voice output from the inns, but the story of the sister of that friend, that is, knowing, I mean, I will have seen it twice, however, history quell'intellettuale's sister-called ... oh, a sad story, fatal.

was the sister of a writer or a lover literature that landed his almanac of a forum for dealing with horse racing, for which he wrote book reviews, articles, comments on this, that or thoroughbred mare that was.
The girl, in her early twenties, named Anna, but called the Nina, on the contrary, Ni. She
I saw a couple of times. She was beautiful, had never seen a light in his eyes, disturbing.
attending the halls racing racecourses, first with his brother and then alone, he began to feed a very intense passion for horses. A passion that grew to become excessive, and that was fatal. Here,
now I want to tell in great detail, featuring the right environment, the personalities stand out
and circumstances, the how, the why, the when, the where.

I will change my paragraph and tell that NI had his horse, Stallionstar, complete with a fence and box, since she lived in a house with an estate large enough to allow the whim.
Nì had chosen well, your pet. He was tall at the shoulder, lean, muscular, powerful. Nì would spend entire days with essesse, as he liked to call the horse it rode, rode, the bulging and then the groom, the handling, spoke to him and kissed him, thanking him for the heady sensations and emotions that gave invaluable.
But what most upset the senses, had the formidable erections of Stallionstar.
I will not mention the personal inclinations, or the effusions of Ni, sex is a matter so private!

what happened one night, as he says, has a thickness tragic, however. He had
summer and the weather was threatening thunderstorms, those that last summer Buriane some little violent and pass.
Ni, preccupata for his beloved friend, taken from a living shaking, covered in a light dressing gown, through the storm, gained entrance to the garage of the essesse. Stallionstar was lively, NI saw him once, unlined rod indescribable. The woman felt faint.
You feel swell, throb. In contact with nature the horse, he felt a wave of pleasure so intense that run along the legs, flooding. Still swelled when the horse put his head between her breasts cantaloupe and decided, he decided that night ..
It turned and went prone in the hind legs of the beast. Out early. When taken with both hands the State of essesse, monstrously swollen and rubbing her sex and wet, it forced itself, lightning annoyed the horse but it was the thunder to make the event. The rumble of thunder frightened the young roan who bucked 'fore paws on rising.
The powerful loins of the animal sank almost to the ground and Ni was pierced on the spot.

found her the next day, in a pool of blood, his stomach ripped open, innards that hung between his thighs, and the horse, with his nose bent like a caress his face, hair, next to her, pouring almost crying.

The autopsy claimed that a vertebra broken by the force of impact had been stuck in my heart, and Ni had died instantly.
The funeral was held in haste and the occurrence silenced. The incident, he said, was an unfortunate fate. Stallionstar was sold to a riding school.
says that, even today, during summer storms, and Hurricane essesse neighing obsessively seem to hear a human voice screaming to the storm, Nìììììììì, Nììììììì.

brother, I have not seen since then, I only have a few little news. It seems to have been seen from time to time, hang out for the environment, the San Siro ...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Level Up Fast On Pokemon Deluge


are two in the morning.
I can not sleep. Outside my window the crickets chirped bastards without peace. Fuck. They also have it with me. All beings on this planet fucking have it with me, are too small and insignificant.
The scorching heat of July makes my night even more unbearable.
Better get off the bed.
I head toward the kitchen. Maybe there will find some relief by drinking 'water.
Nothing to be done. Water is too cold, I can not drink it. Than tap water is too hot, I can not drink it either.
Meanwhile my father wakes up and starts to confabulation something
-What the fuck are you doing up at this hour?
-I could ask the same thing.
-I wanted to drink.
-Anch 'me.
-Good. Give me a shot.
-It 's too cold. We have to wait.
-Give it to me anyway.
-You can not. It would do you harm.
-I am your father. So what is good and what is bad.
-What is good?
-I do not know. I've never tried.
-What is wrong?
-I do not know. I've never tried. Six-
-You are a ignorant! I wish you all evil, biggest mistake of my life!
-B is I go. I'm not thirsty.
-Not 'me. I love you, son. Good night.
I'm more nervous than before. Damn my dad! Damn myself! Damn that damn water I could drink.
does not matter.
I think it's better to go back to my room. I lie down. I turn and turn around on the bed sweating like a pig put the sun in August. Becomes increasingly unlikely that I can sleep. Those
nuisance of crickets are still chirping.
Suddenly, however, feel a desire that gives meaning to my night.
I think about masturbating.
I turn on the TV. At night
make interesting programs. Should I find something that excites me.
a Rai: Marzullo! Fuck! Change the channel! Rai
two: police movie! Double Fuck!
three Rai: I miss you see! Damn antenna! Network
four: special edition of Emilio Fede: Fuck him and who put him on TV!
Channel Five: replicas of the replicas: producers bastards! Italy
one: eight under one roof: the show usually idiots.
not possible. On major networks is not a dick. Provo with pay channels. Yes Here. A blonde strips. Via
Olé. Via
At this point I should have it tough.
course not. Those boobs do not stimulate me.
off the tv.
I try to masturbate thinking about my ex.
is beautiful. Breast high and prosperous. Long legs and seductive. Ass fairy tale.
Small detail: it already belongs to another. I can not. I can not give her one of my orgasm. Does not deserve it right after she betrayed him.
change strategy.
I think the assistant to the history of cinema, the one who showed me the exam last week.
What boobs! Really cool! The
I would like here, on my bed. Yes
.. Here we are. His image I like it.
I know that is not mine. I do not know if it's someone else. It is an ideal object for my masturbation.
little lacking. Purchase courage as I acted. It seems now done. After coming surely I can sleep in peace.
There is still something wrong.
I hear footsteps.
Holy shit. My sister is falling.

No. I can not get to see me in these conditions.
The choice is difficult.
be seen naked as a worm and not give up my way, or dress in a hurry compromising my night?
A or B.
B or A.
There is no time.
I have to decide. I
is a brilliant idea. I dress in the bathroom and complete chores.
I raise boxers.
I pretend to nothing with my sister.
later in the toilet.
recalculated boxers. I look
the State. I see that is desperately ammosciato. I can not hear excitement as before. Shit. I have to give it up, this time for real.
I leave the bathroom.
I see my sister who quietly undresses in front of me. I'm embarrassed. I should not, is my sister. Seeking to deflect the gaze, looking down like a beaten dog. She laughs. Damn only to her. Damn the women who always have more security than men.
I lie down for the third time.
The crickets stop chirping.
is already dawn.

What Is My Bmo Spc Number?

What we understand ..... Where we ended

(photo by Garima)

What we want to understand ....

Recent news and events, and their treatment media to give us all a sense of this society, or rather, the measure of what is the understanding general events.
Broadly we are in a society or system, which is indoctrinated according to specific paradigms and patterns, which are not the most, and even the shrewdest observers often do not identify the crux of the matter.
We live in a world where all information is yet everything is misunderstanding. Paradoxically the higher the dose of news and information increases the more the ignorance of basic concepts. Practically there was more culture and wisdom when there was less opportunity to learn and learn.
Since mankind evolving, or so it is specified the literature, the trick is to be found outside the intellect of men, say that the brain grows.
So what is the reason of this general lowering of the capacity of the most beautiful men is to understand?
elements that cause this lowering of the perception of reality are to be found in the mass media has taken to disseminate news and information, and considering that every instrument is aseptic in nature, we can conclude that the use of such tools that is abnormal and leads to discrimination.
Each event is listed based on precise information, with hindsight, are designed around a table. The problem stems from the fact that not always the ultimate goal of exposure is a fact the disclosure of the fact. In fact this is hardly ever done.
Examples are before our eyes with both hands, we can also draw from the events and not homegrown, from vicendi global and local examples are the story of Santoro and Annozero (Elected martyr sacrificed on the altar of freedom of information?) , the story of the murder of Sarah Scazzi (uncle suffered ogre one and only?), the story of the apartment in Monaco (but seriously, € 300 000 may be a case study?), the story of 'Afghanistan (how many deaths we have to pay to sit at the tables of well-defined at global ? ), The story of the Gulf of Mexico (but seriously, the stain of oil is dissolved in such a nothing?), The story of waste in Naples (all resolved, resolution in 10 days?), The labor market division of the union-GCIL Fiom and others (where are the workers and their strength?), and so on.
our minds, are the receptors of the world looks like, what they do about it? Learn and store data without any critical consideration? or our lives so comfortable, puts us in a condition so lazy that we rest our brains a perennial?
philosophers of our world deeper, this point, note that if we take for granted even in the brothels of the disease spreading the news, no possibility of objectivity may be because the left and right conspiracy rages. But this
say what he wants? that perhaps we should resign ourselves to the state of things?
Letting go of the world to drift and bowing his head like so many sheep, denigrating ourselves, denigrate the power of sentient beings. It would be the imposition of a prison invisible harnessing all our lives.
We bring practical examples, each man understands more easily something tangible rather than strange and contrived philosophical ruminations (The rest of this post is just a rumination).
An example, global warming, a concept used in recent decades to explain to us mere mortals the deterioration of our climate and as a result of our beloved planet. Concept used as a bogeyman for our old fears of modern society because of all the evils of man and architect of his downfall.
concept that more or less digested and do our own, for our use and consumption, and that makes it slightly greenish unrepentant polluters of our soul.

We are confident that this concept has been presented to us objectively and amended by conditions of part?
We are sure that global warming is a matter of objective fact, and that the glaciers are melting?

course you can! will say more, talk about it all, newspapers, TV, scientists, conferences, even the UN, no one dares to dispute this undeniable truth, the land (in part because of the ozone hole, caused by us) is is gradually warming, the glaciers are melting, and the climate is changing more and more towards the worse, hurricanes, tsunamis, storms are more frequent now than before. These laws and assert with conviction.
And if the contrary, the land instead of warm you were cold? and if the land contrary to what is alleged, were in a period of cataclysmic events and hurricanes and disasters were in decline? How can we combine these facts with the notion just mentioned?
inevitable at this point a consideration ... we are all talking about having experience and knowledge of concepts, or just reporting the conclusions reached by other characters and explained in particular to lead to a very specific direction?
From here it follows the main consideration: what we know about organizations, people, doctors, historians, scientists, journalists, politicians who "say" and that we do not ever dream of questioning?
The point is, the prevailing doctrine is that which makes us look like ignorant, arrogant, that we have nothing to add to the statements of those earnest characters. We can only attend lectures and take for granted the truth. The only truth that we are exposed. Arrogant ignorant without right, and that we must remain. What if you receive treatment
"dare" to claim some right, or any justice, or some more information?. If we are silent and still is one thing, if we dare to ask and / or complain or question we first harassed and then held up like crazy, and if this not to silence the bats of all, we batons.
The fate of the people is to be submissive. And the main tool to subjugate the people is the ignorance of things. As the most 'efficient than to say nothing of some facts or present them in a fake? .
Who among us dares to question what is shown on TV or in newspapers?
Nobody ... nobody has a regurgitation of intelligence and dare to raise their hand and ask a legitimate question.
That's what we understand is in direct dependence of what we want to understand.
The solution does not exist, the possibilities are limited, because the time has now expired . Absolute truth does not exist and the concepts are so numerous and scattered in the human knowledge that a lifetime is not sufficient to be able to extricate themselves from the mass of data and information that we can find. The system can build on this, because what we are exposed is the ultimate synthesis of a masked figure and rouged for any purpose lawful or not always clear.
It would take a lot of strength and patience to try every time to object to this method, but clearly we as humans are too tired and demoralized in part to just think of it. It's not like a time when the man was acting beyond everything. What you hear most often are the words around : I'm tired.
Also on this system is based on the fatigue of the people. Modern society, powerful and tired!

2002 Antarctic climate cooling and terrestrial ecosystem response "NATURE"
From 1986 to 2000 the Central Valleys of Antarctica have cooled by 0.7 ° C per decade

2000 Variability and trends in Antarctic surface temperatures from in situ and satellite infrared measurements "Journal of Climate"
Over the past 20 years satellite data is that those weather stations show a slight drop in temperatures.

2002 Positive mass of balance of the Ross Ice Streams, West Antarctica Science
radar measurements show that the ice of the 'western Antarctica is increasing by 26.8 gigatons per year, reversing the trend of the last 6000 years which saw the gradual dissolution.

2002 Interpretation of recent Southern Hemisphere climate change Science
The temperature of the Antarctic Peninsula has risen by several degrees while the interior is slightly decreased. The ice cap has retreated but the sea ice has increased.

1999 Climate and atmospheric historuy of the past 420,000 years form the Vostok ice core, Antarctica "Nature"
During the last four interglacial periods, 420,000 years ago, Earth was most 'warm than it is today.

1999 Radiocarbon constraints on ice sheet advance and retreat in the Weddell Sea Antarctic Geology "
Compared to today the last interglacial period has dissolved a larger amount of Antarctic ice.

2004 Interpretation of recent Antarctic sea-ice variability "Geophysical"
Since 1979, the Antarctic sea ice has increased

2003 On the secular trends in sea ice extent over the Antarctic region based on observations MSMR OCEANSAT-1 "International Journal of Remote Sensing"
The trend towards an increase in sea ice could be an acceleration

2002 Trends in the length of the Southern Ocean sea-ice season 1979-99 "Annals of Glaciology"
Most of Antarctica is heading for a protracted season of sea ice that is more than in 1979 long 21 days.

2002 Africans go back to the land as plants reclaim the desert New Scientist
African deserts are in retreat, satellite images reveal that the dunes in the Sahel region are retreating vegetation is slowly being sidelined the sand along a strip that extends for 6000 km.

1972 Committee Sweeney
DDT is not carcinogenic to humans. One day the elimination of DDT is considered as a mistake.
According to UN statistics, prior to the banning of DDT malaria had become a mild disease. 50,000 deaths a year worldwide.
A few years after the banning of DDT were killed 50 million people.

2002 Glacier mass balance the first 50 years of international monitoring "Progress in Physical Geography"
In recent years there no global trend towards an increase in the melting of glaciers.

2003 Nature
The effect of the Kyoto Protocol, with the signing of Russia by 2050 will be a decrease of 0.02 ° C. Climate models ICCP estimate of the maximum decrease of 0.15 ° C.

2002 Advanced Technology Paths to Global Climate Stability: Energy for Greenhouse Planet Science
There are no sources of energy that can produce 100 to 300% of current global greenhouse gas emissions without.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Big Wooden Fingerboards


The first time I met her was at my house. I remember once I felt a feeling of uneasiness in looking into her eyes and a block sentimental.
block sentimental when it happens to me I can think of, I'm in apnea psychic I try to assess who is in front of me, understand how I feel. Nothing a block. Yet they are very sensitive, receptive to any message. None. The reason I found it in time, by analyzing the experiences and all, without bias of any kind, led me to deduce that happens to me when I meet people who do not love me ever.
are aware of not having an easy disposition, to offer to the other with an air that initially looks like sympathy, joy, fluency, but in the long run to the other reveals my aggression. I am so because others are afraid, I am afraid of them and then attacked. I pretend that I do not have security.
of people who will never love me I have met many and all have caused me at first glance the "emotional block". The minute or
Spina, fiber, complex can be defined pretty decent in his step, his quiet presence goes almost unnoticed among others.
That Sunday morning I woke up in a good mood, I prepared a special lunch in honor of the host that a little later I received, I went looking, (so to speak,) and there it is before me. I immediately noticed that it was not colored.
For me, the colored people are the ones with light brown hair, fair complexion between white-gray, light brown eyes and mostly dress in colors, cream, beige, tan, dark green, pea green, apricot. Ect Ect.
Another thing that struck me were the eyes too close together, as if to exclude the nose too pronounced for a face so thin and small.
looking around I noticed that he spoke without ever meeting my gaze fixed straight in the eye usually does my partner, I could not do otherwise, I need to read constantly.
It came at lunchtime, I already had the certainty of proving against him uncomfortable, very uncomfortable that turned into disappointment when she left me at the table for each course remains in the pot. The often asked if it was to his liking what I had prepared in his honor and systematically answered me that it was very good, excellent, but then left the last morsel on the plate, although I shall deal with it portions of increasingly scarce.
La Spina was not excited at all to my kitchen. And to say that I had put so much effort and my heart so everything is good and pleasing to the eye and the palate, but nothing, not even a smile at least, a very small compliment, a small reward for a lot of my availability.
I thought that being the first time in our midst, he felt awe, the result of adolescent shyness that sometimes makes taciturn young people bored and clumsily.
Then I realized that simple tastes and appetite is almost Spartan, because the mother has never spent much time in the kitchen.
In the early afternoon after coffee post banal conversations took leave of me with a very formal do, such as "... the salute and thank the hospitality, it was a pleasure ..." and so, in fact smile and nothing.
And nothing left me in the heart Spina, only you give nothing.
was enough only for a moment that I met my gaze, or had looked for a moment and savored a one of the dishes I prepared in your honor, you'd understand that I was embracing, happy to welcome another little bird in my nest to be heated by cues to defend.
was enough that I felt the warmth of my hand when I tried to hold your so soft and slippery and icy hand. Nothing you have not done anything.
five years have passed and you still do not finish my meal, I still do not look into his eyes, still cold your little hand escapes my grasp, yet bring nothing in my life. You

Curtain Tie Backs How High & Wide From Window

(photo by Garima)

Where are finished

belong to a generation that is the last of the generations.
The last generations to have had dreams, hopes, illusions and projects.
The last generation in which life was still a magical adventure and a journey to discover wonderful places and things, the generation that was last played in the garden, the last to see the broadcast in black and white, the last to still see ox-carts, and used bicycles as a normal means of locomotion, the last to have breakfast with the "sandwich beer." I belong to a generation that thought it was the first greetings to the next and the last thought the salute to those who loves you first to sleep. A generation, the last one still considered the feast of All Saints instead of the Halloween, the generation that celebrated Christmas with a dinner with the family and not with a ball. I belong to a generation, the last where the contacts were maintained orally, or at most from fixed, for most letters and postcards written by the ancient "bic black ink."
belong to a generation, the last 10 years where we wore shorts, or ceremonies in English, belong to a generation, the last for which the Sunday was a sweet slice of bread soaked with water and sugar over. I belong to a generation for whom the stay with friends was more important than playing video games, partly because game was a term unknown.
belong to a generation for whom the height of technology was the recorder coil "Jealous"
, and celebrations for boys (coveted coveted) were organized with the "mangiadischi.
belong to a generation, the last, which saw the celebration of a feast of all of us, longed for, longed for, longed for the whole group. I belong to a generation where solidarity was a term unknown, but in fact we helped each other with facts and not with a text message from a mobile phone.
belong to a generation, the last that made their lives of their dreams, their laughter that was lunch, and that was the enthusiasm of its refreshing sleep.
I belong to a generation, the last, which was detected at the very last, and one that has failed every goal, and has transformed - or better - turn left without intervention, the world as it is today.
belong to a generation that has great memories, but many faults. A generation, mine, that has meant that today's children are without a smile, without dreams, without natural and heartless.
Belong to a generation that has devalued everything, and forgotten their orgine and ensured that the world is changing - and worse - no doubt about the 'work of all of us.
belong to a generation that despite the good intentions and good youth, became a generation of cannibals who eat themselves to each other and eat the world without any criteria.
belong to a generation that has killed the ' essence of being alive, and who buried under a blanket sense of opportunity that commonly call the "business".
Where we ended up and where they are finished, you understand and account for only a conclusion that is never dependent from the others, what 'happens and that happens around us, but it depends on us, from us and from our thinking, first, our work and then if things are as they are.

I am in fact that I contributed to this and not others, I who made this world as it is, and I am that I forgot the courtyard, the bicycle, bread and sugar ... I am.

course it will all be labeled as cosmic pessimism, like any named quell old and new grievances. Most will consider this. But the reality is that everyone knows that the last generation, the mine has made the world was destroyed and that our children were robbed of the future.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Make Someone Life Miserable

image in the mind ...

Gioeni In the park of Catania, just north of the ring at the end of Via Etnea happening for some time now, mysterious disappearances. The victims were all boys between eighteen and twenty-three years, a good family, in most cases, college students. The locals had suspected that some demon or evil creature, was hiding among the vegetation of the park - trees, bougainvillea, oleanders, agaves - or under the layer of volcanic soil and dry.
I wanted to see clearly.
I walked in that alley, on a day hot and muggy.
I went alone so that if a terrifying beast, seeing me helpless, would suddenly choose me as prey.
I knew that what I was doing was risky, but my curiosity was strong enough to silence any kind of fear.
I sat on a bench.
waited for hours. Children
meanwhile laughed and joked on the swings, sleepy dogs were accompanied by their owners, the old waiting for something that would never come. But nothing of the monster.
Tired of waiting, I got up and started a walk along the avenue. That's where I met Julia, my university colleague.
-Nino. What are you doing here?
-It is a nice place to spend some 'time. Relax, especially when you have company.
-Anch 'I'm all alone tonight. We could spend time together.
gladly accepted.
Giulia was more beautiful than usual, a very short black skirt and a white blouse and transparent as they left my eyes hypnotized.
After a while, 'she became serious and said
-I feel unwell. Could you take me home?
The tone was weak, but I felt that I was lying. So I decided to follow her, hoping to take it easy.
Upon arriving, he asked me kindly wait in the bedroom, while she would be changed in the bathroom.
I sat down on a chair.
Suddenly I heard a voice come from the closet:
-Help me! Help me! Will also trap you!
I walked a few steps, and asked:
-Who are you? Who should get trapped?
-Giulia! It is a mythomaniac ... meet colleagues from universities in the park, and then if he brings them home ...
-So much the better ... can not wait ...
-Ti snatch the penis and then hibernate. This is what makes.
-Are you serious?
-course. I have not yet been emasculated. Please save me!
I did not even have time to answer that Julia had already made return: "Then
Nino ... you like true ... But short-
... carinuccia ...
-I see you upset. Relax. Remove those hands from there as well ... it is not polite in front of a girl ...
-Oh! Sorry ...
-Come ... Look
-Giulia ... I must confess one thing ...
-Forget, for tonight you're mine ...
-am gay ... I'm super gay ... I'm gay gay gay!
-And when? if you always feel you do certain jokes about girls ... mascalzoncello!
not know what to do.
At any moment he would do the damn jewel in my possession heirloom frozen and unusable.
tried to dismiss one last time: I am a landslide
really ... Non-
I worry like the inexperienced ...
"Oh shit", I thought.
My end ever closer.
-Close your eyes ... I want to make a sly joke - said Julia, smiling ominously.
-But why ... Let me look at you so beautiful!
Nothing. I had to obey. That look bewitching not let other way out.
perspiration began to grow.
My last prayer to take shape, although I had never prayed before.
Then I heard one voice: The ball-
... the ball ... sir. The
-ball? I've lost one?
When I opened my eyes I saw a child who asked for his ball. I was standing on a bench, still in that park.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How Many Calories Ae In Colegate

When I love ....

(photo by Garima)

... I love totally

Love is something you take in, with a sudden
inexhaustible power.
Love is joy and uncontrollable laughter, followed by cries
Love is a roller coaster of life,
The wind ruffles your hair and makes
watery eyes.
Love is a succession of moments, hours, days, months and years
beautiful and ugly, calm and stormy.
Love is an inextricable mix
need, need, obsession, thought, desire
as the Gordian knot.
Love is hardness and softness, is salty and sugary,
is burning and cold as
cross the desert under the scorching sun and then feel cold in the nights the moon.
Love is the sun and moon, stars and planets
universe under the eyes and even more in the head.
The total need of love is within themselves.
Love has no word if or how, but love has only
the verb have and the verb and the verb to be.
Love is having the sweaty skin, and mix your own sweat
with those of your loved one.
's love is beauty, the other
seraphic bliss and reflection in the eyes of others.
Love is holding hands all day and all night
and not want to leave even to go to the bathroom.
Love is eating and drinking from the same plate.
Love are caresses, kisses, touching, rubbing, and
bites, scratches, slaps, the Goduria and enjoyment,
suffering and delusional externalization of pain.
Love is infinite sweetness, followed by endless restlessness.
desire Love is immediately followed by another desire.
Love is every second call to say I love you.
Love is not getting tired of words and silences.
Love is smiling in the morning turn
infinite sweetness and joy and say hello.
Love is kissing your eyes closed in the evening.
Love is looking and then go to laugh and cry
and then to the seriousness, and then to laugh again.
Love is touching and retouching, you feel desire
after having fulfilled his body burned from care.
Love is having on me and lick the salt water droplets
and then feel like a stream of cold mountain water.
Love is work and pleasure together, is construction and destruction.
Love is realized, and vanish in a single emotion
covering yourself and your whole world.
Love is the reversal of each company, basing on a single foundation:
the couple in every way.
Love is work and smile, be sad but strong, love is
problems and solutions, daily dive
in an ongoing problem and continually find and smile of the resolution.
Love is reeling as drowned and die with cling
despair to this lifeline.
Love is perilous voyage in stormy seas, but also
flight in calm blue skies.
Love is good and bad together, love is passion and reflection together,
love is glaring need and introspection.
Love is madness, death and rebirth is the time.
Love is cooking and appreciation, cooking and mess.
Love is dirty and clean, shiny and opaque.
Love the eyes are crossed by flashes of iridescent fire
and expanses of blue.
Love blossoms and withers every second, continuously,
like water boiling in the pot, in a low mumble.
Love is striking and poignant, love is crying, screaming,
and independent of where, how and why.
Love is all that and more, because
draws on the entire world literature
to express themselves with words that humanly are not enough.
Love must live it to understand it.
It is still not enough, you need to understand death.
love overwhelms you, and every day I crushed in a vise
heavy that it takes your breath away.
Love finds you in the evening tired and too strong for
then throw in a new day even more pressing in the stomach.
Love 's feeling sick all day and heal every second.
's love is to breathe the same air of the other, and share
the same water.
Love feeds on itself, eating and regenerated every day.
Love, finally, is found beside
sitting in front of the setting sun, holding hands and think in unison:
was a beautiful life with you.

And all this is for you.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Drinks Using Kahlua And Gin


I felt pain in the muscles and joints. My heart was going at high speed, 75 beats per minute. Or at least I think. I was completely naked. The place was uncomfortable, dark and cramped. Features that certainly confirms to privacy. I was lost and terribly alone. A shiver of fear through my back up to the neck. My nerve cells seemed to many lights lit. Pointed to a state of high alert. As I wanted to, I could not open his eyes. About my thoughts, things were even worse: I had no sense of myself, of my person. To be sincere, I was not exactly able to formulate concepts that allowed me to understand with sufficient clearly what it meant to be a person. I was in a complete inability to think about my past and I had an improbable and unreliable perception about a possible future. All my senses were numb. I wanted to run away, move. No way! Every action I was denied. I wonder why? I wanted to scream! I swallowed at least for fear if I had been possible to swallow. It is undeniable that in that state the obvious and logical question to ask was: . At the same time, I felt that following the path traced by it I would not get the right understanding of that story. Not that I understood the reason, a new, visceral and mysterious question mark appeared in my mind: . The question seemed inexplicably seemed more appropriate and more able to lead me to answer important and necessary. All thoughts remained unfinished and suspended in a sort of brain fog. Physical pain and soreness became the only pressing need to address right now. Throughout my stay in that place, I had to adapt to the environment to be fully withdrawn into myself. I tried to find a more comfortable position. The first attempt failed to turn around. I tried again. Nothing to do. At that point, it was quite clear: I had no chance to perform movements. Mah! The matter was very suspicious! While I wondered if you really are breathing air, I fell asleep. Time passed. Impossible to estimate its duration. Smells and indefinite masses of sweet taste hit me, waking from sleep. I was finally able to execute orders that my mind was giving to the body. With her hand began to walk slowly and repeatedly every inch of my skin, almost with curiosity. I could hear muffled noises, voices, and perhaps even music. All very far away, who knows where!? I opened my eyes. All of a sudden. It was dark beyond belief. The sudden blaze of light I came bully in the iris, then disappeared. Perhaps it was only an impression. I felt my blood stream and it seemed smooth. Although then I would not be able to estimate what was a regular blood flow. I waved a jolt. I closed my eyes in terror. I remained motionless waiting. A shot I stuck my elbows to the sternum. I tried to understand, but I did not have even a chance to move that crushed me another blow to a greater extent to the previous year. Fear took over. The shots became frenzied and rhythmic. All this marked the beginning of the end, I was sure. I was pushed and shattered. I could not understand and could not see anything. I found myself upside down and slid down driven by an irresistible force. The end was near! I could not even cry. Something grabbed my neck, squeezing, choking on the decision. The crowds made me narrow pulse blood in the temples. The pressure became unbearable, and crushed my eyeballs to the point that seemed to want uscirmi from their sockets. Something very painful was about to happen. The forces suddenly left me, leaving me in complete inability to tackle the immense mystery. I found only a modicum of energy to force myself to never forget that question: . I did not understand why, but I knew that in the future, deciphering it, no more important question would remain unanswered. Then it was chaos, disorder of sounds, fear, confusion, dismay, confusion and crazy lights. All of a sudden stopped. The calm permeated my body and invaded my mind, leaving me hanging in a huge way vacuum. Silence. Quiet. Then silence again. From the big nothing, a voice appeared, shrill, annoying and as close as I had never heard before: "It's a nice boy!"